PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization
1-2012: Is Socialization into Democratic Politics a Matter of Psychology, Education, or Communication?
Arie Geronik: Early Childhood Socialization and Its Influence on Political Decision-Making in Adulthood: The Cases of Moshe Dayan and Other Israeli Leaders, Moving from the Military to the Political Arena
Mihály Csákó: Family Memory and Historical Socialization
Henk Dekker / Frits Meijerink: Political Cynicism: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Explanation
Wojciech Ziętara: Legitimization function of the Socialist International: The case of the Central- Eastern Europe (CEE)
Martina Zandonella / Eva Zeglovits: Young Men and their Vote for the Radical Right in Austria: Can Personality Traits, Right-wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation Contribute to the Explanation of Radical Right Voting?
Hilde Van Liefferinge / Carl Devos / Kristof Steyvers: No Name, no Gain? The Role of Family Politicization in Belgian Election Candidates’ Perception of their initial Selection Criteria
Sam Sarpong: Savouring Ghanaian Politics at an Election Year: How Titillating?
Helen Shestopal: Political Perception: Psychological Mechanisms and Political Implications in Russia
Christ’l De Landtsheer / Lieuwe Kalkhoven: The Smell of Crisis: Style and Rhetoric of Political Parties in and outside Crisis Situations
Vimla Verma: Psycho–Political Analysis of Leadership and Democracy
Alexandra Toader: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej’s Personality Cult, in the Light of Psychobiography: A Methodological Approach
Ali Abdelzadeh / Joakim Ekman: Understanding Critical Citizenship and Other Forms of Public Dissatisfaction: An Alternative Framework
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