IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2023: Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce Sang Hoon Bae: Editor’s Preface Special Section Nanine Lilla / Marianne Schüpbach / Jennifer Cartmel: Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce Bruce Hurst / Kylie Brannelly / Jennifer Cartmel: The Production and Performance of Workplace Hierarchies in Australian Outside School Hours Care Markus Sauerwein / Annalena Danner / Franziska Bock / Till-Sebastian Idel / Gunther Graßhoff: […]
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IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2020: Free Contributions Sang Hoon Bae: Editor's Preface General Contributions Kristina Jonsson: Principals’ Perspectives on Pupils’ Social Learning in Swedish School-Age Educare Karin Lager: Possibilities and Impossibilities for Everyday Life: Institutional Spaces in School-Age Educare Peter Carlman / Maria Hjalmarsson / Carina Vikström: Let the Right One in: Sports Leaders’ Shared Experiences of Including Refugee Girls and Boys in Sports Clubs […]
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