During the last thirty years, the modernisation of gender relations has been dynamic and comprehensive, shaped by the conflicting forces of globalisation as well as women’s movements around the world. As the patterns of segregation and discrimination of the classical industrial gender order erode, new complexities and contentions in gender relations emerge at various sites such as politics, work and families. The main aim of the book is to trace formal as well as informal gender contracts as they emerge in everyday life and also in new norms and regulations set by states and enterprises. Core issues are the chances and the barriers for equality and new forms of gender reciprocity and solidarity.
Das Buch zeigt, dass sich aufgrund der Globalisierung und der damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen auch Änderungen in den Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern ergeben, während die alten gesellschaftlichen Strukturen des industriellen Zeitalters langsam den neuen Strukturen weichen.
From the contents:
Part I: Globalisation and Restructuring of Gender Relations
Diane Elson: The Changing Economic and Political Participation of Women: Hybridization, Reversals and Contradictions in the Context of Globalization
Raewyn Connell: Men, Masculinilty Research and Gender Justices
Mirjana Morokvasic: Migration, Gender, Empowerment
Ilse Lenz: Power People, Working People, Shadow People… Gender, Migration, Class and Practices of (In)Equality
Michiko Mae: The Gender-Free Concept in Japan and Transcultural Civil Society
Part II: Transnationalisation, Global Governance and Women’s Movement
Myra Marx-Ferree: On-line Identities and Organizational Connections: Networks of Transnational Feminist Websites
Alison E. Woodward: Challenges of Intersectionality in the Transnational Organisation of European Equality Movements: Forming Platforms and Maintaining Turf in Today’s European Union
Helen Schwenken: Between Gender Mainstreaming, Managing Diversity and Anti-Discrimination: What are the Implications of the European Equality Patchwork for Migrants?
Elena Zdravomyslava: Soldiers’ Mothers Fighting the Military Patriarchy: Re-invention of Responsible Activist Motherhood for Human Rights’ Struggle
Part III: Restructuring Work, Family and the Welfare State
Heidi Gottfried: Changing the Subject: Labor Regulations and Gender (In)Equality
Verena Schmidt: Combining Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches: The Gender Mainstreaming Policy of the International Labour Organization
Mari Osawa: The Livelihood Security System and Social Exclusion: The Male Breadwinner Model Revisited
Regina-Maria Dackweiler: Modifying, Reforming or Transforming Gender Regimes? Effects of the New Womens Movement on the German Welfare State
Ursula Müller: Gender Boundaries in Organizational Development: Body and Culture in German Police
Norbert F. Schneider: Changes in Parenthood and Childhood in Europe and Their Impact on Solidarity and Reciprocity in the Parent-Child-Relationships
Die Herausgeberinnen:
Prof. Dr. Ilse Lenz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Charlotte Ullrich, Dipl. Soz. Wiss., wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Barbara Fersch, Dipl. Soz. Wiss., Doktorandin, Aalborg Universität, Denmark
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