PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization
1-2014: Political Socialization and Education in China
Guest Contribution on Special Issue´s Theme
Zou Fangming: The Roles of Higher Education in Political Socialization
Jolanda van der Noll / Henk Dekker: Chinese citizens’ attitudes towards the EU and the China-EU relationship. In search of an explanation
Xian Gao: Chinese College Students’ Political Efficacy and Its Influencing Factors in the Information Age: A Sample Survey of CUMT
Miao Hongna: Sources of Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China
Wenqi Dang: Public Participation in Environmental Protection: What China Can Learn from the European Experience
Ann-Sophie Poulain / Christ’l De Landtsheer / Lieuwe Kalkhoven: The Arabic Spring in the Eyes of Chinese Political Leaders. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese political rhetoric
Book Reviews
Dan B. German: Why Has China Grown So Fast So Long?
Russel F. Farnen: Education, Democracy, and Development. Does education contribute to democratization in developing countries?
Conference Section
Announced conferences in 2015
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