INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics
2-2016: Free Contributions
Symposia: On Lucy Nicholas Queer Post-Gender Ethics
Allison Moore: Towards a post-gender ethics: Key concepts, arguments and debates
Lynne Huffer: A Queer Ethics that Bites into the World
Shona McCulloch: Won’t somebody sell me back to me? Building post-gender utopia in a pre-socialist world
Lucy Nicholas: “Transcending” Analysis/Anything Goes? Response to review symposium on “Queer Post-Gender Ethics”
Laura Zambelli: Feminism and BDSM: empirical findings and theoretical debates in the US, UK and Italy
Paul Simpson: At Home with Significant Others or Risky Domestic Space? Middle-aged Gay Men’s Stories of Kinship and Un/Belonging
Book Review Article
Tom Claes: The Many Meanings of Trafficking
Andrea Beckmann: Cara Judea Alhadeff (2014) Viscous Expectations Justice, Vulnerability, The Ob-scene (New York: Atropos Press, pp. 504)
Valerie De Craene: Yvette Taylor and Michelle Addison (eds.) 2013, Queer Presences and Absences (Palgrave ‘Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences’ Series, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 282)
Thierry Leterre: Hines, Claire; Kerr, Darren. 2012 Hard to Swallow: Hard-Core Pornography on Screen (New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 233)
Paul Reynolds: Tam Sangar and Yvette Taylor (eds.) 2013 Mapping Intimacies: Relations, Exchanges, Affects (Palgrave MacMillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life, Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 257 +xv)
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