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IJAR 1-2020 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1861-1303


IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
1-2020: Free Contributions

Miren Estensoro / Danilo Streck: Editorial

Patricia Canto-Farachala / Miren Estensoro: Bridging between Action Research Communities: a Pathway to Connectivity
Alfonso Torres Carrillo: Another social research is possible: from the collaboration between researchers and social movements
Egoitz Pomares: Workplace Innovation Programmes: bridging research and policymaking
Oscar Jara Holliday: Systematisation of Experiences: New paths to academic work in universities
Bjørn Gustavsen (with introduction by Richard Ennals): Action research and the problem of the single case

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Extracts / Leseproben


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16. Jahrgang 2020










17 x 24 cm




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action research, Action research communities, Actionable knowledge, bridging, Connectivity, Knowledge production, Latin America, participatory research, popular education, Problem of the single case, Social action, Social movements, Systematisation of experiences, systematization, university, University extension, validity, Working life reform, workplace innovation


Bridging between Action Research Communities: A Pathway to Connectivity (Patricia Canto-Farachala, Miren Estensoro)
The dialogic essence of Action Research (AR) poses a challenge of scope when attempting to achieve large-scale change. One way of addressing said challenge is through connectivity, an approach to the external validity of action research that focuses on the workability of new knowledge in other contexts. In this paper we propose bridging between different action research (AR) communities as a pathway to connectivity. We identify the conditions that facilitate connectivity in bridging spaces between different AR communities, and show that change can ripple beyond the group where AR takes place, maintaining its contextual nature. Our research method is comparative case studies based on semi-structured interviews with two AR communities: one in Europe and the other in Latin America. Keywords: action research, connectivity, validity, bridging, action research communities
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Another social research is possible. From the collaboration between researchers and social movements (Alfonso Torres Carrillo)
The article presents an overview of the relationships between higher education institutions, researchers, and social movements in Colombia. Based on a periodisation of the different modes of alignments or gaps between these 3 social actors, the study focuses on two significant experiences of collaborative research between researchers and social movements. First, an experience with peasant movements from the Atlantic Coast led by Orlando Fals Borda from La Rosca Foundation in the 1970s, and which originated Participatory Action Research. Then, a project conducted by the Subjects and New Narratives in Research and Teaching of the Social Sciences research group at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional focused on the systematisation of practices with popular organisations and their inputs to the field of critialc research. Finally, a balance of the current situation of joint research between social movements and collectives of researchers linked to higher education institutions is presented. Keywords: Knowledge production, university, social movements, participatory research, systematization
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Workplace Innovation Programmes: bridging research and policymaking (Egoitz Pomares)
The article reviews the concept of Workplace Innovation Programmes as public policy tools supported by research. Pursuing a socio-political perspective the text explores programme-level issues. To do this, conceptual definitions are reviewed and the programme´s main features, discussed using an analytical model designed by previous researchers. In this sense, programmes underpinned by research as a tool for public policies are presented as mechanisms to link different levels and actors in matters related to productivity and the quality of working life. The article reviews different approaches and strategies for policymaking, aiming at better understand how programmes operate. For this purpose previous European experiences are used. The rationale of this article must be found in a explorative and learning-oriented context to better design and implement programme-based public policies and the use of action-research for policy learning. This is of particular interest in the local context of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain) where this kind of approach has become of relevance in the policymaking. Keywords: programmes; working life reform; policy learning; actionable knowledge
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Systematisation of Experiences: New paths to academic work in universities (Oscar Jara Holliday)
This article presents systematisation of experiences as a proposal for the production of knowledge from and about educational, organisational, and social and community practices. It particularly highlights the interest arising from experiences in the field of University Extension. It is argued that systematization of experiences in University Extension can help to strengthen the transforming commitment of the university work, and contribute to the production of academic knowledge informed by the richness of the economic, social, political and cultural reality in which the university is inserted. Concrete steps to implement the systematisation of experiences in the university context, based on his experiences at the Universidad de Costa Rica and others, are presented here. Keywords: systematisation of experiences, university extension, social action, popular education, Latin America
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Action research and the problem of the single case (Bjørn Gustavsen)
In his article in Volume 7, No.2 of Concepts and Transformation, Greenwood lays the ground for a self-critical review of action research. This is very much called for, but there is a need to avoid this review becoming a revival of yesterdays “famous cases”. Major parts of today’s action research is oriented towards social movements, learning regions and other levels of organisation far beyond the small group. The associated research challenges can be met only by developing new research platforms and seeking new alliances with other branches of research. Keywords: Action research, social constructivism, development programs
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
1-2020: Free Contributions

Miren Estensoro / Danilo Streck: Editorial

Patricia Canto-Farachala / Miren Estensoro: Bridging between Action Research Communities: a Pathway to Connectivity
Alfonso Torres Carrillo: Another social research is possible: from the collaboration between researchers and social movements
Egoitz Pomares: Workplace Innovation Programmes: bridging research and policymaking
Oscar Jara Holliday: Systematisation of Experiences: New paths to academic work in universities
Bjørn Gustavsen (with introduction by Richard Ennals): Action research and the problem of the single case

Download of Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen
Extracts / Leseproben


Download of single articles (partly in Open Access / partly fee-based):
You can register here for the IJAR alert.

Einzelbeiträge zum Download (teils Open Access / teils kostenpflichtig):
Sie können sich hier für den IJAR-Alert anmelden.


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16. Jahrgang 2020










17 x 24 cm




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Bridging between Action Research Communities: A Pathway to Connectivity (Patricia Canto-Farachala, Miren Estensoro)
The dialogic essence of Action Research (AR) poses a challenge of scope when attempting to achieve large-scale change. One way of addressing said challenge is through connectivity, an approach to the external validity of action research that focuses on the workability of new knowledge in other contexts. In this paper we propose bridging between different action research (AR) communities as a pathway to connectivity. We identify the conditions that facilitate connectivity in bridging spaces between different AR communities, and show that change can ripple beyond the group where AR takes place, maintaining its contextual nature. Our research method is comparative case studies based on semi-structured interviews with two AR communities: one in Europe and the other in Latin America. Keywords: action research, connectivity, validity, bridging, action research communities
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Another social research is possible. From the collaboration between researchers and social movements (Alfonso Torres Carrillo)
The article presents an overview of the relationships between higher education institutions, researchers, and social movements in Colombia. Based on a periodisation of the different modes of alignments or gaps between these 3 social actors, the study focuses on two significant experiences of collaborative research between researchers and social movements. First, an experience with peasant movements from the Atlantic Coast led by Orlando Fals Borda from La Rosca Foundation in the 1970s, and which originated Participatory Action Research. Then, a project conducted by the Subjects and New Narratives in Research and Teaching of the Social Sciences research group at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional focused on the systematisation of practices with popular organisations and their inputs to the field of critialc research. Finally, a balance of the current situation of joint research between social movements and collectives of researchers linked to higher education institutions is presented. Keywords: Knowledge production, university, social movements, participatory research, systematization
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Workplace Innovation Programmes: bridging research and policymaking (Egoitz Pomares)
The article reviews the concept of Workplace Innovation Programmes as public policy tools supported by research. Pursuing a socio-political perspective the text explores programme-level issues. To do this, conceptual definitions are reviewed and the programme´s main features, discussed using an analytical model designed by previous researchers. In this sense, programmes underpinned by research as a tool for public policies are presented as mechanisms to link different levels and actors in matters related to productivity and the quality of working life. The article reviews different approaches and strategies for policymaking, aiming at better understand how programmes operate. For this purpose previous European experiences are used. The rationale of this article must be found in a explorative and learning-oriented context to better design and implement programme-based public policies and the use of action-research for policy learning. This is of particular interest in the local context of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain) where this kind of approach has become of relevance in the policymaking. Keywords: programmes; working life reform; policy learning; actionable knowledge
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Systematisation of Experiences: New paths to academic work in universities (Oscar Jara Holliday)
This article presents systematisation of experiences as a proposal for the production of knowledge from and about educational, organisational, and social and community practices. It particularly highlights the interest arising from experiences in the field of University Extension. It is argued that systematization of experiences in University Extension can help to strengthen the transforming commitment of the university work, and contribute to the production of academic knowledge informed by the richness of the economic, social, political and cultural reality in which the university is inserted. Concrete steps to implement the systematisation of experiences in the university context, based on his experiences at the Universidad de Costa Rica and others, are presented here. Keywords: systematisation of experiences, university extension, social action, popular education, Latin America
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Action research and the problem of the single case (Bjørn Gustavsen)
In his article in Volume 7, No.2 of Concepts and Transformation, Greenwood lays the ground for a self-critical review of action research. This is very much called for, but there is a need to avoid this review becoming a revival of yesterdays “famous cases”. Major parts of today’s action research is oriented towards social movements, learning regions and other levels of organisation far beyond the small group. The associated research challenges can be met only by developing new research platforms and seeking new alliances with other branches of research. Keywords: Action research, social constructivism, development programs
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)



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