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IJAR 2-2019 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1861-1303


IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2019: Free Contributions

Stephen Allen / Judi Marshall: What could happen when action research meets ideas of sociomateriality?
Cristiano Benites Oliveira / Emil Albert Sobottka: Participant and cooperative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors: Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis
Nilda Stecanela / Alessandra Chaves Zen / Fabiana Pauletti: Action Research and Teacher Education: the use of research in a classroom for the transformation of reality
Christina Nicole Giannikas: Language Education and primary school children: the story of using stories

Book Review
Carolina Schenatto da Rosa: Systematisation of experience: theory and practice. Cordero, D. B., & Torres Carrillo, A. (2017). La Sistematización como investigación interpretativa crítica. Bogotá: Editorial El Búho

Call for Papers
Building bridges in/through action research. Special issue of the International Journal of Action Research as part of the Conference to take place in San Sebastian in 2020

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Extracts / Leseproben


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15. Jahrgang 2019










17 x 24 cm




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Cristiano Benites Oliveira
Emil Albert Sobottka
Alessandra Chaves Zen
Christina Nicole Giannikas
Carolina Schenatto da Rosa


Action, action research, Affordance, Classroom, Denaturalisation of inequalities, Early language learning, Language education, Praxis, Recyclable materials collectors, Reflexivity, Sociomateriality, storytelling, sustainability, teacher education


What could happen when action research meets ideas of sociomateriality? (Stephen Allen, Judi Marshall)
Action research in its various forms highlights the interactional and relational ways in which research and knowledge become socially produced with people, with intentions of positively transforming realworld relations. In parallel, there is a growing interest in organisational research informed by the field of Science and Technology Studies, about the potential significance of matter to understanding how processes of researching interact with the world. By experimenting with connections to debates about sociomateriality, this paper explores what implications there might be for understanding and performing action research, especially given that action researchers are often values-oriented and attached, and acknowledge that they want to change material issues. Keywords: action research, affordance, matter, sociomaterial, sustainability
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Participant and co-operative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis (Cristiano Benites Oliveira, Emil Albert Sobottka)
This article presents methodological reflections on a participant research within the National Movement of Recyclable Materials Collectors (MNCR) in Brazil. It emphasises methodological aspects of the researchers’ long-term participation in the process of questioning and denaturalising of political, social, and economic inequalities by the collectors, understood as subjects of their selforganisation. It addresses quality criteria for long-term participant research, and the role of the scholar in the tension between engaging in social movement and being an integral part of academic life. The development of a master’s thesis and of a doctoral dissertation between 2010 and 2016 sets the background. This article is a systematisation of the hermeneutic practice focusing on the research relations and processes of sharing of meanings between actors and researcher, aiming at the improvement of the subjects’ political praxis. Keywords: recyclable materials collectors, praxis, reflexivity, denaturalisation of inequalities
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Action Research and Teacher Education: the use of research in a classroom for the transformation of reality (Nilda Stecanela, Alessandra Chaves Zen, Fabiana B. Pauletti)
This text aims to provide reflections on an education-investigation experience within a continuing education course for teachers of public schools in a municipality located in the region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The object of this course involved the use of classroom research as a pedagogical tool, which was developed in an action research perspective. The participants of the course were challenged to develop investigative skills on daily school life, based on the construction and development of a research project focused on the concerns related to their contemporary teaching practices. The analysis of the modes of reception and appropriation of those involved in the research, and expressed in the materials produced, suggests how difficult it is to exercise the passage from naive to epistemological consciousness through criticality. This element reinforces the importance of the process of reflection-action-reflection in the teacher’s education and his/her performance. Keywords: teacher education, action research, research in the classroom, reception and appropriation.
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Language Education and primary school children: the story of using stories (Christina Nicole Giannikas)
The present study concentrates on the development of interactive skills in the L2 and the pedagogical aspects of Young Language Learners’ (YLLs) through the use of story telling. Such an approach reveals the benefits of encouraging creativity in learning and, as a result, captures the dynamics of the classroom and the progress of the learner. The data derives from an Action Research study carried out as part of a longitudinal study in South Western Greece, where storytelling is a neglected language learning source. The research concentrates on YLLs of a Beginners level, aged 7-9 years old. The results show the advantageous use of Action Research as a tool of intervention to apply necessary change in language teaching contexts. Keywords: action research, language education, early language learning, storytelling
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2019: Free Contributions

Stephen Allen / Judi Marshall: What could happen when action research meets ideas of sociomateriality?
Cristiano Benites Oliveira / Emil Albert Sobottka: Participant and cooperative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors: Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis
Nilda Stecanela / Alessandra Chaves Zen / Fabiana Pauletti: Action Research and Teacher Education: the use of research in a classroom for the transformation of reality
Christina Nicole Giannikas: Language Education and primary school children: the story of using stories

Book Review
Carolina Schenatto da Rosa: Systematisation of experience: theory and practice. Cordero, D. B., & Torres Carrillo, A. (2017). La Sistematización como investigación interpretativa crítica. Bogotá: Editorial El Búho

Call for Papers
Building bridges in/through action research. Special issue of the International Journal of Action Research as part of the Conference to take place in San Sebastian in 2020

Download of Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen
Extracts / Leseproben


Download of single articles (partly in Open Access / partly fee-based):
You can register here for the IJAR alert.

Einzelbeiträge zum Download (teils Open Access / teils kostenpflichtig):
Sie können sich hier für den IJAR-Alert anmelden.


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15. Jahrgang 2019










17 x 24 cm




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Cristiano Benites Oliveira
Emil Albert Sobottka
Alessandra Chaves Zen
Christina Nicole Giannikas
Carolina Schenatto da Rosa




What could happen when action research meets ideas of sociomateriality? (Stephen Allen, Judi Marshall)
Action research in its various forms highlights the interactional and relational ways in which research and knowledge become socially produced with people, with intentions of positively transforming realworld relations. In parallel, there is a growing interest in organisational research informed by the field of Science and Technology Studies, about the potential significance of matter to understanding how processes of researching interact with the world. By experimenting with connections to debates about sociomateriality, this paper explores what implications there might be for understanding and performing action research, especially given that action researchers are often values-oriented and attached, and acknowledge that they want to change material issues. Keywords: action research, affordance, matter, sociomaterial, sustainability
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Participant and co-operative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis (Cristiano Benites Oliveira, Emil Albert Sobottka)
This article presents methodological reflections on a participant research within the National Movement of Recyclable Materials Collectors (MNCR) in Brazil. It emphasises methodological aspects of the researchers’ long-term participation in the process of questioning and denaturalising of political, social, and economic inequalities by the collectors, understood as subjects of their selforganisation. It addresses quality criteria for long-term participant research, and the role of the scholar in the tension between engaging in social movement and being an integral part of academic life. The development of a master’s thesis and of a doctoral dissertation between 2010 and 2016 sets the background. This article is a systematisation of the hermeneutic practice focusing on the research relations and processes of sharing of meanings between actors and researcher, aiming at the improvement of the subjects’ political praxis. Keywords: recyclable materials collectors, praxis, reflexivity, denaturalisation of inequalities
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Action Research and Teacher Education: the use of research in a classroom for the transformation of reality (Nilda Stecanela, Alessandra Chaves Zen, Fabiana B. Pauletti)
This text aims to provide reflections on an education-investigation experience within a continuing education course for teachers of public schools in a municipality located in the region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The object of this course involved the use of classroom research as a pedagogical tool, which was developed in an action research perspective. The participants of the course were challenged to develop investigative skills on daily school life, based on the construction and development of a research project focused on the concerns related to their contemporary teaching practices. The analysis of the modes of reception and appropriation of those involved in the research, and expressed in the materials produced, suggests how difficult it is to exercise the passage from naive to epistemological consciousness through criticality. This element reinforces the importance of the process of reflection-action-reflection in the teacher’s education and his/her performance. Keywords: teacher education, action research, research in the classroom, reception and appropriation.
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Language Education and primary school children: the story of using stories (Christina Nicole Giannikas)
The present study concentrates on the development of interactive skills in the L2 and the pedagogical aspects of Young Language Learners’ (YLLs) through the use of story telling. Such an approach reveals the benefits of encouraging creativity in learning and, as a result, captures the dynamics of the classroom and the progress of the learner. The data derives from an Action Research study carried out as part of a longitudinal study in South Western Greece, where storytelling is a neglected language learning source. The research concentrates on YLLs of a Beginners level, aged 7-9 years old. The results show the advantageous use of Action Research as a tool of intervention to apply necessary change in language teaching contexts. Keywords: action research, language education, early language learning, storytelling
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)



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