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IJAR 2-2021 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1861-1303


IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2021: Free Contributions


Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga: Beyond the margins of neoliberalism: Biological and Neurological Foundations of Action Research
Miriam James-Scotter / Lixin Jiang / Cameron Walker / Stephen Jacobs: Using action research to develop a real-time measure of job satisfaction in the operating room setting
Thomas G. Ryan: Action Research as Pre-Service Teacher Inquiry Physical Education
Tomás Canevari: Co-construction of territorial and sociodemographic data in a poor informal neighborhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability in the city of La Plata, Argentina
“Action research is not only a method.” 5 questions answered by Marianne Kristiansen and Jørgen Bloch-Poulsen, authors of Action Research in Organizations. Participation in Change Processes (available in Open Access)

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17. Jahrgang 2021










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action research, biology, collaborative research, elementary curriculum, emotions, instrument development, job satisfaction, Neoliberalism, neurology, operating theatre, participatory acientific agenda, participatory action research, poor informal neighborhood, science, socio-environmental vulnerability, Teacher training


Beyond the margins of neoliberalism: Biological and Neurological Foundations of Action Research (Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga)
This text maintains that the presuppositions of individualistic empiricism have been instrumental for the neoliberal revolution, which turns supposed aggressiveness and natural selfishness into a foundation of society. The combination of science that denies the relational, emotional and subjective nature of humans with the naturalisation of individualism and competition as supposed bases of human behaviour combine to hinder Action Research’s aim of “self-determination” (Fricke, 2018). However, true relational parameters, located in and empathic with the living, fit perfectly with the assumptions of AR. Therefore, we explain how discoveries in biology not only show that the bases of Action Research are not heretical from a scientific point of view, but that they fit in perfectly with the true parameters of behaviour identified by the life sciences. Keywords: Neoliberalism; Biology; Neurology; emotions; science
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Using action research to develop a real-time measure of job satisfaction in the operating room setting (Miriam James-Scotter, Lixin Jiang, Cameron Walker and Stephen Jacobs)
This paper outlines how action research was used to develop a real-time job satisfaction measurement tool for the operating room (OR) setting. It offers insight into how collaborative action research can be used in a complex interprofessional setting to create a practical, valid and relevant tool. The study was conducted within one New Zealand hospital OR department during the period of March 2018 – June 2019. Using action research cycles, researchers and hospital personnel collaboratively created an innovative one-minute daily job satisfaction measure called the Morale-o-Meter. Complexities relating to its development and acceptability are explored and reflected upon, in order to draw insight for other researchers who are looking to use this methodology in a similar setting. Keywords: Action research; instrument development; job satisfaction; operating theatre; collaborative research
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Action Research as Pre-Service Teacher Inquiry Physical Education (Thomas G. Ryan)
The newest Canadian Elementary Health and Physical Education (2019) provincial curricula promotes inquiry as a pedagogical mode. AR complements this inquiry mode of instruction with its grounding in experience and practice which infuses educational roles. AR as practice-based inquiry helps new educators identify and reveal resolutions; however, first a need to want to improve needs to be identified, before next steps are taken. AR has the potential to open doors of perception, trigger new insights, and cultivate teacher development within teacher training and beyond while in-service. Admittedly, teachers change, no matter how incrementally, which permeates professional development, as witnessed in over 100 years of action research drawn upon herein. Extant AR literature is grounded in the educational development of participants as they teach. Development in AR is not actually a problem needing investigation; instead it remains a possibility that needs recursive attention to ensure it exists within the training of educators globally. Herein AR is illustrated via narrative accounts that reflect experiences while teacher training in an Ontario Faculty of Education programme. Keywords: Action research; elementary curriculum; teacher training
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Co-construction of territorial and sociodemographic data in a poor informal neighborhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability in the city of La Plata, Argentina (Tomás Canevari)
This paper presents the results of a census carried out in the largest of the 164 informal settlements currently in existence in the city of La Plata, capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The objective is to define territorial and sociodemographic data of this poor informal neighbourhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability, paying special interest to the macro variables related to housing, education and work, as well as perceptions about the neighbourhood and future prospects. Therefore, the aim is to generate co-constructed scientific knowledge in tandem with the community, which in turn recovers knowledge and demands from the territory with a concrete potential for transformation. This work is part of a Participatory Scientific Agenda based on the interaction of the community, political, economic and scientific-technical actors. Keywords: Poor informal neighborhood; socio-environmental vulnerability; Participatory Action Research; Participatory Scientific Agenda
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2021: Free Contributions


Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga: Beyond the margins of neoliberalism: Biological and Neurological Foundations of Action Research
Miriam James-Scotter / Lixin Jiang / Cameron Walker / Stephen Jacobs: Using action research to develop a real-time measure of job satisfaction in the operating room setting
Thomas G. Ryan: Action Research as Pre-Service Teacher Inquiry Physical Education
Tomás Canevari: Co-construction of territorial and sociodemographic data in a poor informal neighborhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability in the city of La Plata, Argentina
“Action research is not only a method.” 5 questions answered by Marianne Kristiansen and Jørgen Bloch-Poulsen, authors of Action Research in Organizations. Participation in Change Processes (available in Open Access)

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17. Jahrgang 2021










17 x 24 cm




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Beyond the margins of neoliberalism: Biological and Neurological Foundations of Action Research (Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga)
This text maintains that the presuppositions of individualistic empiricism have been instrumental for the neoliberal revolution, which turns supposed aggressiveness and natural selfishness into a foundation of society. The combination of science that denies the relational, emotional and subjective nature of humans with the naturalisation of individualism and competition as supposed bases of human behaviour combine to hinder Action Research’s aim of “self-determination” (Fricke, 2018). However, true relational parameters, located in and empathic with the living, fit perfectly with the assumptions of AR. Therefore, we explain how discoveries in biology not only show that the bases of Action Research are not heretical from a scientific point of view, but that they fit in perfectly with the true parameters of behaviour identified by the life sciences. Keywords: Neoliberalism; Biology; Neurology; emotions; science
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Using action research to develop a real-time measure of job satisfaction in the operating room setting (Miriam James-Scotter, Lixin Jiang, Cameron Walker and Stephen Jacobs)
This paper outlines how action research was used to develop a real-time job satisfaction measurement tool for the operating room (OR) setting. It offers insight into how collaborative action research can be used in a complex interprofessional setting to create a practical, valid and relevant tool. The study was conducted within one New Zealand hospital OR department during the period of March 2018 – June 2019. Using action research cycles, researchers and hospital personnel collaboratively created an innovative one-minute daily job satisfaction measure called the Morale-o-Meter. Complexities relating to its development and acceptability are explored and reflected upon, in order to draw insight for other researchers who are looking to use this methodology in a similar setting. Keywords: Action research; instrument development; job satisfaction; operating theatre; collaborative research
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Action Research as Pre-Service Teacher Inquiry Physical Education (Thomas G. Ryan)
The newest Canadian Elementary Health and Physical Education (2019) provincial curricula promotes inquiry as a pedagogical mode. AR complements this inquiry mode of instruction with its grounding in experience and practice which infuses educational roles. AR as practice-based inquiry helps new educators identify and reveal resolutions; however, first a need to want to improve needs to be identified, before next steps are taken. AR has the potential to open doors of perception, trigger new insights, and cultivate teacher development within teacher training and beyond while in-service. Admittedly, teachers change, no matter how incrementally, which permeates professional development, as witnessed in over 100 years of action research drawn upon herein. Extant AR literature is grounded in the educational development of participants as they teach. Development in AR is not actually a problem needing investigation; instead it remains a possibility that needs recursive attention to ensure it exists within the training of educators globally. Herein AR is illustrated via narrative accounts that reflect experiences while teacher training in an Ontario Faculty of Education programme. Keywords: Action research; elementary curriculum; teacher training
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Co-construction of territorial and sociodemographic data in a poor informal neighborhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability in the city of La Plata, Argentina (Tomás Canevari)
This paper presents the results of a census carried out in the largest of the 164 informal settlements currently in existence in the city of La Plata, capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The objective is to define territorial and sociodemographic data of this poor informal neighbourhood with high socio-environmental vulnerability, paying special interest to the macro variables related to housing, education and work, as well as perceptions about the neighbourhood and future prospects. Therefore, the aim is to generate co-constructed scientific knowledge in tandem with the community, which in turn recovers knowledge and demands from the territory with a concrete potential for transformation. This work is part of a Participatory Scientific Agenda based on the interaction of the community, political, economic and scientific-technical actors. Keywords: Poor informal neighborhood; socio-environmental vulnerability; Participatory Action Research; Participatory Scientific Agenda
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