What will become of todays young people in Australia, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America? Will they be supportive of the world they live in? Or are they doomed to be criminal drop-outs? The authors investigate to which extent different and contradictory trends of social modernisation and economic progress determine the biographical development and social integration of young people in different countries and world regions. Thus, the authors look at the role young people themselves can play in the future; either as constructive social actors or as a problematic – and partly excluded – group unable to face the challenges of a permanently changing world.
Der Band untersucht die möglichen Zukunftsszenarien für die heutige Jugend in Australien, Asien, Europa, Latein- und Nordamerika. Werden diese Jugendlichen vollkommen angepasste Individuen oder werden sie zu einer kriminellen, desintregrierenden Erwachsenengeneration ohne politische Interessen und Teilhabe? Die Wahrheit liegt zwischen diesen Extremen – aber wo?
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