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IJAR 1-2019 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1861-1303


IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
1-2019: Free Contributions

Michal Lysek / Jörgen Palmhager / Mike Danilovic: Re-envisioning Innovation: From Vision to Strategy to Plan and Back Again
Horacio Bozzano / Tomás Canevari: Scientific Agendas and Work Tables. An action research initiative in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Argentina
David Coghlan / Paul Coughlan / Abraham B. Shani: Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research
Amir Kalan /  Parisa Jafari / Mahdyar Aghajani: A Collaborative Practitioner Inquiry into Societal and Power-Relational Contexts of an Activist Writing Community’s Textual Events
Jose Eos Trinidad / Galvin Radley Ngo: Technology’s roles in student-centred learning in higher education

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Extracts / Leseproben


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15. Jahrgang 2019










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action research, Activist writing, Argentina, community literacy, Community publishing, Doctoral education, Doctorateness, Educational technology, Employee, higher education, Interactive learning, learning, Philippines, Plans, Praxis, science, Scientific agendas, Strategies, Student Engagement, Transformation, Visions, Work tables, Writing studies


Re-envisioning Innovation: From Vision to Strategy to Plan and Back Again (Michal Lysek, Jörgen Palmhager, Mike Danilovic)
HMS is a Swedish company and a global market leader in the industrial communication industry. Initially, HMS was managed with a vision of a connected industry. Gradually, that vision was complemented with strategies on how to reach that vision. In line with the company’s growth and acquisitions, these strategies started to substitute their vision and they began to be supplemented with much more detailed plans. As the company’s offer expanded, these detailed plans began to take over as the company’s primary instrument of guidance. In other words, HMS went through three phases: From a “Market Establishment” phase (with a vision as their primary guideline), to a “Market Development” phase (with strategies as their primary guideline), and finally to a “Market Maturity” phase (with detailed plans their primary guideline). In so doing, their vision became less challenging/ motivating for HMS’ employees. An action research approach was used, influenced by grounded theory. The results showed that people have different mindsets throughout these phases, and going back is challenging because while HMS’ employees need a vision, visions come without detailed plans and will not work unless they are supplemented by inspirational communication and passionate innovation champions who can push forward without any detailed plans. Keywords: Employee needs, innovation champions, plans, strategies, visions
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Scientific Agendas and Work Tables. An action research initiative in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Argentina (Horacio Bozzano, Tomás Canevari)
Scientific Agendas and Permanent Work Tables: two emerging concepts that summarise a position of science constructed over three decades of Participatory-Action-Research from CONICET and UNLP of Argentina. It is a science that, surpassing positions of status quo and allocating time for criticism, seeks to produce Theories of Transformation referring to possible territories. Two cases in progress, in an informal urbanisation and in an industrial and residential flood zone in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, give meaning to two Agendas with their respective Tables: “Puente de Fierro Possible Territory” and “Territory, Industry and Environment”. The objective is to execute a science that brings closer the wishes of people with public policies in cases of high exemplary and replicability. The work is organised in three parts: what science, what agendas, what praxis, and a conclusion. Keywords: transformation, science, scientific agendas, praxis, work tables
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Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research (David Coghlan, Paul Coughlan, Abraham B. Shani)
While debates about the nature of ‘doctorateness’ are prevalent in higher education, what this might mean in the context of insider action research, where action research is undertaken by members of an organisation or community, has not received any attention. This article explores how an insider action research engagement in a thesis and core project generates a synergy between the actions, a deep discipline knowledge, competence in research through first, second and third person processes, and competence in presentation can serve as a foundation for doctorateness. The dissemination contributes to a community of practice and inquiry. Keywords: doctoral education; ‘doctorateness’, action research, insider action research, core and thesis projects, first, second and third person inquiry, communities of inquiry
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A Collaborative Practitioner Inquiry into Societal and Power-Relational Contexts of an Activist Writing Community’s Textual Events (Amir Kalan, Parisa Jafari, Mahdyar Aghajani)
This article describes experiences with a community literacy approach to writing instruction in a cultural studies and literary criticism workshop in Tehran, Iran (2009-2014). The writers narrate the process of writing a book undertaken by a group of Iranian feminists, who chose to write about and critique dominant discourses in Iranian hip hop, in an attempt to start a conversation with young underground Iranian rappers. Adopting collaborative practitioner inquiry, the researchers discuss different steps of the process of writing and publishing the book, and also the pitfalls and challenges that they encountered in the project and the ensuing interventions. In the course of sharing their reflections, the writers highlight the sociocultural and power relational contexts of their writing process to sensitise writing instructors to the often invisible social and political layers of the act of writing. Keywords: community literacy, community publishing, writing studies, practitioner inquiry
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
1-2019: Free Contributions

Michal Lysek / Jörgen Palmhager / Mike Danilovic: Re-envisioning Innovation: From Vision to Strategy to Plan and Back Again
Horacio Bozzano / Tomás Canevari: Scientific Agendas and Work Tables. An action research initiative in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Argentina
David Coghlan / Paul Coughlan / Abraham B. Shani: Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research
Amir Kalan /  Parisa Jafari / Mahdyar Aghajani: A Collaborative Practitioner Inquiry into Societal and Power-Relational Contexts of an Activist Writing Community’s Textual Events
Jose Eos Trinidad / Galvin Radley Ngo: Technology’s roles in student-centred learning in higher education

Download of Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen
Extracts / Leseproben


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15. Jahrgang 2019










17 x 24 cm



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Re-envisioning Innovation: From Vision to Strategy to Plan and Back Again (Michal Lysek, Jörgen Palmhager, Mike Danilovic)
HMS is a Swedish company and a global market leader in the industrial communication industry. Initially, HMS was managed with a vision of a connected industry. Gradually, that vision was complemented with strategies on how to reach that vision. In line with the company’s growth and acquisitions, these strategies started to substitute their vision and they began to be supplemented with much more detailed plans. As the company’s offer expanded, these detailed plans began to take over as the company’s primary instrument of guidance. In other words, HMS went through three phases: From a “Market Establishment” phase (with a vision as their primary guideline), to a “Market Development” phase (with strategies as their primary guideline), and finally to a “Market Maturity” phase (with detailed plans their primary guideline). In so doing, their vision became less challenging/ motivating for HMS’ employees. An action research approach was used, influenced by grounded theory. The results showed that people have different mindsets throughout these phases, and going back is challenging because while HMS’ employees need a vision, visions come without detailed plans and will not work unless they are supplemented by inspirational communication and passionate innovation champions who can push forward without any detailed plans. Keywords: Employee needs, innovation champions, plans, strategies, visions
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Scientific Agendas and Work Tables. An action research initiative in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Argentina (Horacio Bozzano, Tomás Canevari)
Scientific Agendas and Permanent Work Tables: two emerging concepts that summarise a position of science constructed over three decades of Participatory-Action-Research from CONICET and UNLP of Argentina. It is a science that, surpassing positions of status quo and allocating time for criticism, seeks to produce Theories of Transformation referring to possible territories. Two cases in progress, in an informal urbanisation and in an industrial and residential flood zone in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, give meaning to two Agendas with their respective Tables: “Puente de Fierro Possible Territory” and “Territory, Industry and Environment”. The objective is to execute a science that brings closer the wishes of people with public policies in cases of high exemplary and replicability. The work is organised in three parts: what science, what agendas, what praxis, and a conclusion. Keywords: transformation, science, scientific agendas, praxis, work tables
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Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research (David Coghlan, Paul Coughlan, Abraham B. Shani)
While debates about the nature of ‘doctorateness’ are prevalent in higher education, what this might mean in the context of insider action research, where action research is undertaken by members of an organisation or community, has not received any attention. This article explores how an insider action research engagement in a thesis and core project generates a synergy between the actions, a deep discipline knowledge, competence in research through first, second and third person processes, and competence in presentation can serve as a foundation for doctorateness. The dissemination contributes to a community of practice and inquiry. Keywords: doctoral education; ‘doctorateness’, action research, insider action research, core and thesis projects, first, second and third person inquiry, communities of inquiry
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

A Collaborative Practitioner Inquiry into Societal and Power-Relational Contexts of an Activist Writing Community’s Textual Events (Amir Kalan, Parisa Jafari, Mahdyar Aghajani)
This article describes experiences with a community literacy approach to writing instruction in a cultural studies and literary criticism workshop in Tehran, Iran (2009-2014). The writers narrate the process of writing a book undertaken by a group of Iranian feminists, who chose to write about and critique dominant discourses in Iranian hip hop, in an attempt to start a conversation with young underground Iranian rappers. Adopting collaborative practitioner inquiry, the researchers discuss different steps of the process of writing and publishing the book, and also the pitfalls and challenges that they encountered in the project and the ensuing interventions. In the course of sharing their reflections, the writers highlight the sociocultural and power relational contexts of their writing process to sensitise writing instructors to the often invisible social and political layers of the act of writing. Keywords: community literacy, community publishing, writing studies, practitioner inquiry
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