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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics

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ISSN: 2196-6931


The Journal:
INSEP is a trans-disciplinary peer reviewed journal for the publication of critical research work on any aspect of sexual ethics and politics as it pertains to sexual identities, practices, behaviours, relations, orientations, desires and pleasures, geographies, histories, national and transnational politics and policy, theories and ideas. It provides a space where academics and practitioner/activists can debate key and contemporary issues, debates and disagreements on all aspects of sexual ethics and politics.

The journal’s mission is that of the network that underpins it, the International Network for Sexual Ethics and Politics. The journal seeks to promote (a) critical understandings of the ethical problems and possibilities for diverse sexualities, (b) critical understandings of the discourses, vocabularies and bodies of knowledge by which sexuality is conceived, understood and articulated in contemporary societies, and their historical lineages, (c) critical awareness and evaluations of the beneficence or malfeasance of particular articulations of sexuality, strengths or deficiencies of different sexual cultures and discourses, their historical antecedents and their contemporary patterns of prejudice, pathology and discrimination or practice and advocacy, as well as emergent sexual politics aiming at emancipation and liberation, (d) critical understandings of the role of law, politics and culture in the prohibition, permission or regulation of sexualities, both in its oppressive deployment and possibly liberating possibilities in contemporary societies and (e) finally, critical and constructive engagements with sexual ethics itself, thinking through its forms, role and meanings, and its history, present and future.

Tom Claes (Associate Professor of Ethics, University of Ghent, Belgium, editor in chief), Paul Reynolds (Reader in Sociology and Social Philosophy, Edge Hill University, UK, editor in chief), Allison Moore (Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Edge Hill University, UK), Lisa Downing (Professor of French Discourses of Sexuality, University of Birmingham, UK), Alex Dymock (Lecturer in Criminology and Law, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Donald E. Hall (Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lehigh University, USA), Mark Thomas (Senior Lecturer in Law and Barrister, Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Angelika Tsaros (Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin, Germany), Jeffrey Weeks (Emeritus Professor of Sociology, London South Bank University, UK)

Target Groups:
Lecturers, Students, Researchers, and Practitioners in (Sexual) Ethics and (Sexual) Politics

Single Articles:
Download of single articles (Open Access/fee-based):

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4. Jahrgang 2016


2 x jährlich


ca. 120 Seiten pro Heft




17 x 24 cm



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Gender Studies, sexual ethics, sexual politics, sexuality


Für die Zeitschrift INSEP sind keine Abonnements verfügbar.

For the Journal INSEP are no subscriptions available.




The Journal:
INSEP is a trans-disciplinary peer reviewed journal for the publication of critical research work on any aspect of sexual ethics and politics as it pertains to sexual identities, practices, behaviours, relations, orientations, desires and pleasures, geographies, histories, national and transnational politics and policy, theories and ideas. It provides a space where academics and practitioner/activists can debate key and contemporary issues, debates and disagreements on all aspects of sexual ethics and politics.

The journal’s mission is that of the network that underpins it, the International Network for Sexual Ethics and Politics. The journal seeks to promote (a) critical understandings of the ethical problems and possibilities for diverse sexualities, (b) critical understandings of the discourses, vocabularies and bodies of knowledge by which sexuality is conceived, understood and articulated in contemporary societies, and their historical lineages, (c) critical awareness and evaluations of the beneficence or malfeasance of particular articulations of sexuality, strengths or deficiencies of different sexual cultures and discourses, their historical antecedents and their contemporary patterns of prejudice, pathology and discrimination or practice and advocacy, as well as emergent sexual politics aiming at emancipation and liberation, (d) critical understandings of the role of law, politics and culture in the prohibition, permission or regulation of sexualities, both in its oppressive deployment and possibly liberating possibilities in contemporary societies and (e) finally, critical and constructive engagements with sexual ethics itself, thinking through its forms, role and meanings, and its history, present and future.

Tom Claes (Associate Professor of Ethics, University of Ghent, Belgium, editor in chief), Paul Reynolds (Reader in Sociology and Social Philosophy, Edge Hill University, UK, editor in chief), Allison Moore (Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Edge Hill University, UK), Lisa Downing (Professor of French Discourses of Sexuality, University of Birmingham, UK), Alex Dymock (Lecturer in Criminology and Law, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Donald E. Hall (Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lehigh University, USA), Mark Thomas (Senior Lecturer in Law and Barrister, Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Angelika Tsaros (Institute for Queer Theory, Berlin, Germany), Jeffrey Weeks (Emeritus Professor of Sociology, London South Bank University, UK)

Target Groups:
Lecturers, Students, Researchers, and Practitioners in (Sexual) Ethics and (Sexual) Politics

Single Articles:
Download of single articles (Open Access/fee-based):


Zusätzliche Information







4. Jahrgang 2016


2 x jährlich


ca. 120 Seiten pro Heft




17 x 24 cm



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For the Journal INSEP are no subscriptions available.



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  • INSEP 2-2016 | Free Contributions

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  • INSEP 1-2016 | Free Contributions

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    INSEP 1-2016 | Free Contributions

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    INSEP 2-2014 | Free Contributions

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    INSEP 1-2014 | Free Contributions

    INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics 1-2014: Free Contributions Articles Lucy Nicholas: ‘Belonging in difference[s]’: the Potentialities of Post-Gender Ethics Iman Al-Ghafari: The Quest for Lesbian Ethics in Contemporary Middle-Eastern Cultures Elizabeth Smith: Gendered Ethical Self-Creation and Resistance in Sex Work Marta Olasik: Lesbian Ethics Re-Investigated: A Socio-Political Comment Interventions and Interviews Alex Dymock: Towards a Consent Culture: An Interview with Kitty Stryker Tiphaine […]
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    INSEP 1-2013 | Free Contributions

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  • inkl. 7 % MwSt.

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    Probeheft – INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics

    INSEP is a trans-disciplinary peer reviewed journal for the publication of critical research work on any aspect of sexual ethics and politics as it pertains to sexual identities, practices, behaviours, relations, orientations, desires and pleasures, geographies, histories, national and transnational politics and policy, theories and ideas. It provides a space where academics and practitioner/activists can debate key and contemporary issues, debates and disagreements on all aspects of sexual ethics and […]
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