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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Schlagwort: democracy

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    IJAR 2-2023 | Free Contributions

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 2-2023: Free Contributions Editorial Miren Larrea: Stirring the fire under the ashes of action research Patricia Canto-Farachala / Reidun Norvoll: Guest Editorial of thematic series. YouCount: Action Research and Citizen Social Science Contributions Danilo R. Streck: Action Research, Democracy and (Global)Citizenship. Building bridges among traditions and practices Maider Gorostidi-García / Arantxa Rodríguez-Berrio / Iratxe Aristegui-Fradua: Dissensus as part of dialogue in organizational change […]
    ab 29,00 €

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    IJAR 2-2022 | Conceptualising Action Research: Basic assumptions and terminology in Action Research

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 2-2022: Conceptualising Action Research: Basic assumptions and terminology in Action Research Olav Eikeland / Søren Frimann / Lone Hersted / Julie Borup Jensen: Editorial Contributions Finn Thorbjørn Hansen: What would apophatic Action Research look like? Learning to consider delicate matters of silence and wonder in professional practices Christine Edwards-Groves / Karin Rönnerman: Action Research conceptualised in seven cornerstones as conditions for transforming education […]
    ab 29,00 €

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1+2-2018 | Free Contributions

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1+2-2018: Free Contributions Articles Ganna Diedkova / Christ’l De Landtsheer: Going negative by metaphors: The Donbass conflict in the Russian and the Ukrainian Press Richard D. Anderson Jr.: The Colonialist Roots of Democratic Decay: Collective Action, Experimental Psychology, and Spatial Discourse Elena Shestopal: The Image of Russia in Contemporary Russian Society: Political and Psychological Analysis Arie Geronik: The Influence of Early Childhood Socialization on […]
    ab 84,00 €

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    Open Access

    Action Research in Organizations

    Open Access: The book "Action Research in Organizations" is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84741663) which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel "Action Research in Organizations" (DOI: 10.3224/84741663) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution 4.0 International […]
    39,90 €
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1+2-2017 | Methods for Studies in Politics, Culture & Socialization (II)

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1+2-2017: Methods for Studies in Politics, Culture & Socialization (II) Guest editors: Derek Beach, Christ’l De Landtsheer and Lieuwe Kalkhoven Articles No. 1 Nohemi Jocabeth Echeverría Vicente / Kenneth Hemmerechts / Dimokritos Kavadias: Growing up in contexts with armed conflict: Individual exposure to large-scale violence and differences in emancipative values in Colombia and Mexico Henk Dekker / Daniel B. German / Christ’l De Landtsheer: […]
    ab 84,00 €

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  • IJAR 2+3-2018 | Coping with the future: Business and work in the digital age – A cross disciplinary conference. The role of action research in social transformation

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    IJAR 2+3-2018 | Coping with the future: Business and work in the digital age – A cross disciplinary conference. The role of action research in social transformation

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 2+3-2018: Coping with the future: Business and work in the digital age – A cross disciplinary conference. The role of action research in social transformation Werner Fricke: New Challenges For Action Research Olav Eikeland: (Why) Does Ar Need to Intervene and Change Things? Danilo R. Streck: The Role of Action Research in Social Transformation: Memories and Projections Emil A. Sobottka: Participatory Research in […]
    ab 58,00 €

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  • New Authoritarianism

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    Open Access

    New Authoritarianism

    Open Access: The book New Authoritarianism is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84742221) , which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel New Authoritarianism (DOI: 10.3224/84742221) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): […]
    36,00 €
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  • IJAR 3-2017 | Free Contributions

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    IJAR 3-2017 | Free Contributions

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 3-2017: Free Contributions John Andersen / Annette Bilfeldt: Transforming welfare institutions through social innovation and action research in Denmark Satu Kalliola / Jukka Niemelä, Ossi Eskelinen: How to reconcile work and university studies – An action research case from Finland Helge Svare / Eugenia Vathakou: Field-configuring events and action research: A case study from Sparta Erika Natacha Fernandes de Andrade / Marcus Vinicius […]
    ab 29,00 €

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  • IJAR 2-2017 | Free Contributions

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    IJAR 2-2017 | Free Contributions

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 2-2017: Free Contributions Danilo R. Streck / Emil A. Sobottka / Øyvind Pålshaugen / Richard Ennals / Sabine Pfeiffer: Democracy, Work and Humanisation: Dedicated to Werner Fricke for his contribution to action research Articles Bjørn Gustavsen: Action Research and the Promotion of Democracy Stefanie Hürtgen / Stephan Voswinkel: Non-Normal Normality? Claims on Work and Life in a Contingent World of Work Peter Totterdill: […]
    ab 29,00 €

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    Doing Democracy Differently

    Open Access: This is an open access title, which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging. Practice theory provides a framework to study democracy as routinized […]
    54,00 €
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    Participatory Democratic Innovations in Europe

      Representative democracy is often seen as a stable institutional system insusceptible to change. However, the preferences of the broad public are changing and representative, group based democracy has lost importance. This development made it necessary to change established ways of decision making and to introduce participatory democratic innovations. Many national and sub-national governments followed this route and implemented various kinds of participatory innovations, i.e. the inclusion of citizens into […]
    29,90 €

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    How to Be a Superpower

    How to Be a Superpower focuses on the role and self-perception of public intellectuals in 21st-century America. Drawing on a series of interviews conducted with the most prominent ‘professional thinkers’ in the field of foreign policy since 9/11, from Noam Chomsky via Francis Fukuyama to Michael Walzer. With his fascinating interviews, Tobias Endler illustrates how intellectuals inspire, influence, and participate in the nation’s current public discourse and opinion-shaping process. This […]
    29,90 €

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    Open Access

    Democracy under stress

    Open Access: The book Democracy under stress (DOI: 10.3224/86649453) is an Open Access title which is free to download as PDF  or can be bought as paperback. The book is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): Open Access: Der Titel Democracy under stress (DOI: 10.3224/86649453) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz […]
    29,90 €

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    Democracy under Construction

    The book compares five newly emerged democracies in Europe, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa. Cutting across vastly different historical and cultural backgrounds it tells the story of how societies come to terms with a painful past and how politics, culture and the economy intertwine in the process of creating new democratic nations.   Frederik van zyl Slabbert: "This is a must read for anyone concerned about the future […]
    49,00 €

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