Quality teacher education improves the quality of teaching and learning processes. What role do the sociocultural backgrounds play here? The book highlights how actors’ sociocultural backgrounds influence the quality of teacher training within a pedagogical reform project involving participants from Cameroon and Germany. The analysis and interpretation of qualitative data shows that actors’ sociocultural backgrounds are important factors influencing international, intercultural dialogues on teacher education as well as teaching-learning interaction dynamics in classrooms. The book further discusses the influence of sociocultural contexts on learner-centered classrooms based on principles of diversity, interaction and reciprocal responsibility.
The Evangelical Church of Cameroon endeavored reform projects researching perspectives of transformation of a dominant teacher-centered pedagogy in cooperation with its German educational partners founded by the Brot für die Welt. They developed a more diversity-based interactive learner-centered approach that takes account of learners’ differences in the dimensions of gender, social, cultural, ethnic origin and disability. The author studies these projects, highlighting how significant the participants’ sociocultural backgrounds (SCBs) were for the projects’ development, considering the complex multicultural context of Cameroon. The work uses Koller’s theory of Bildung (education) as a transformative process considering and beyond Bourdieu’s theory of Habitus. It triangulates the documentary method of Bohnsack with the inference analysis approach of Kokemohr to reconstruct language markers of SCBs features backing, structuring, and sustaining inclusion-exclusion dynamics in everyday social life and thereby in pedagogical interactions in classrooms. Communitarian-group dynamics generally oriented individual and collective actions. So, the success and sustainability of quality teacher education in intercultural pedagogical reform projects are deeply linked to how far features of actors’ SCBs are considered. In Cameroon, Africa, QTE endeavors should open room for diversity, interaction, and corporate responsibility dynamics in teaching-learning processes.
Table of contents + reading sample
The author:
Dr. Hamidou Hassana, University of Hamburg, Germany
You can download this title’s publicity leaflet (PDF) here.
The target group:
Researchers in educational science
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