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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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    IJREE 2-2014 | UC Links: Collaborative Engagement in Extended Learning

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2014: UC Links: Collaborative Engagement in Extended Learning Main Topic Robert Lecusay: Building Zones of Proximal Development with Computer Games in a UC Links After-school Program Andrew Schuetze / Lorena Claeys / Belinda Bustos Flores / Shannon Sezech: La Clase Mágica as a Community Based Expansive Learning Approach to STEM Education Marta Padrós / Sònia Sànchez-Busqués / José Luis Lalueza / […]
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1-2014 | Political Socialization and Education in China

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1-2014: Political Socialization and Education in China Guest Contribution on Special Issue´s Theme Zou Fangming: The Roles of Higher Education in Political Socialization Article Jolanda van der Noll / Henk Dekker: Chinese citizens’ attitudes towards the EU and the China-EU relationship. In search of an explanation Xian Gao: Chinese College Students’ Political Efficacy and Its Influencing Factors in the Information Age: A Sample Survey […]
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    Government Formation in Central and Eastern Europe

    The formation of governments without a majority in parliament is a counterintuitive, albeit empirically relevant, phenomenon: minority governments make up about one-third of all governments in Europe. The author offers an analysis of the conditions leading to the formation of minority governments in Central and Eastern Europe and provides the reader with a detailed overview of the processes underlying the formation of governments from the early 1990s up to 2010. […]
    39,90 €

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    Sustainability Frontiers

    Education for sustainable development, the educational offshoot of the concept of ‘sustainable development’, has rapidly become the predominant educational response to the global environmental crisis. The authors apply a critical lens to the field and find it wanting in many regards. Sustainability Frontiers is an international, academic non-governmental organization based in Canada and the United Kingdom. It engages in research and innovation in the broad fields of sustainability and global […]
    36,00 €

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    Health Among the Elderly in Germany

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Printausgabe bestellen können.   Whether increasing life expectancy leads to better health remains still controversial. Three topics are explored: (1) vanguard groups which inform about possible levels of health if the general social and environmental conditions were to approach those […]
    35,00 €
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    The Internet and European Integration

    This book offers a wealth of original empirical data on how online media shape EU contestation. Taking a public sphere perspective, the authors highlight the myths and truths about the nature of audience-driven online media content and show how public demands for legitimacy are at the heart of the much-analyzed politicization of European integration. What EU citizens most intensely debate online are the fundamental questions of what the European institutions […]
    49,90 €

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    INSEP 1-2014 | Free Contributions

    INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics 1-2014: Free Contributions Articles Lucy Nicholas: ‘Belonging in difference[s]’: the Potentialities of Post-Gender Ethics Iman Al-Ghafari: The Quest for Lesbian Ethics in Contemporary Middle-Eastern Cultures Elizabeth Smith: Gendered Ethical Self-Creation and Resistance in Sex Work Marta Olasik: Lesbian Ethics Re-Investigated: A Socio-Political Comment Interventions and Interviews Alex Dymock: Towards a Consent Culture: An Interview with Kitty Stryker Tiphaine […]
    ab 33,00 €

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    The Base of the Iceberg

    Open Access:  This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as hardcover./ Dies is ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Hardcover bestellen können.   Alan Rogers looks at learning (formal, nonformal and informal) and examines the hidden world of informal (unconscious, unplanned) learning. He points out the importance of informal learning for creating tacit attitudes and values, knowledge and skills […]
    24,90 €
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    Critical Social Policy and the Capability Approach

    The (European) welfare state as well as the political space of “the social” is currently being reorganised in a fundamental way. This has major implications for any attempt to contribute to a more just or even emancipatory way of shaping “the social”. The authors discuss what the Capabilities Approach may contribute to this attempt. Rather than assessing the philosophical foundation of this approach, “Shaping the Social” critically discusses the potentials […]
    53,00 €

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    The Politics of Parliamentary Procedure

    Currently, parliament as a political institution does not enjoy the best reputation. This book aims to recover less known political resources of the parliamentary mode of proceeding. The parliamentary procedure relies on regulating debates in a fair way and on constructing opposed perspectives on the agenda items.   The British House of Commons provides the closest historical approximation for the parliamentary ideal type of politics. This book deals with the […]
    34,90 €

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    The Anticorruption Frontline

    From Turkey to Egypt, Bulgaria to Ukraine, and Brazil to India, we witness the rise of an angry urban middle class protesting against what they see as fundamental corruption of their political regimes, perceived as predatory and inefficient. Corruption is near the top of all global protesters’ list of grievances – from the Occupy movement to the Arab Spring. Their countries have benefited to varying degrees from globalization, but their […]
    19,90 €

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    New Approaches Towards the ‘Good Life’

    The Capability Approach founded by Armatya Sen and Martha Nussbaum offers a justicebased analytical framework for human development. The contributions to the present volume show how the Capability Approach can be applied productively in empirical analyses of the life situations of young people and the educationalinstitutions they attend in different parts of the world including Serbia, Kosovo, Kenya, India, Greece, and Germany.   Moreover, the volume helps to extend the […]
    26,00 €

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    IJREE 1-2014 | National Research Reports (Part II)

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2014: National Research Reports (Part II) Main Topic Alan Dyson / Lisa Jones: Extended Schools in England: Emerging Rationales Denise Huang / Deborah La Torre Matrundola / Seth Leon: Identification of Key Indicators for Quality in Afterschool Programs Anna Klerfelt / Björn Haglund: Presentation of Research on School-Age Educare in Sweden Free Contributions Joseph L. Mahoney: A Developmental Study of Expanded […]
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    Polish-German Relations

    The book constitutes a sociological analysis of the origins of the Polish-German antagonism in the nineteenth and twentieth century and of the process of overcoming it. The author discusses the role played by the religious and political leaders as well as intellectuals of both nations and presents survey research data showing the marked improvement in mutual relations.   After a long history of alternating relations, things between Poland and Germany […]
    19,90 €

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 2-2013 | Free Contributions

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 2-2013: Free Contributions Articles Orit Ichilov: Political Socialization In A World Of Conflict And Change Wang Feng: On Political Parties in China and Western Societies Ellen Quintelier: The Future of Political Socialization Research: Promising or Discouraging? Arkadiusz Żukowski: Political leadership of South African statesmen: Jan Smuts and Nelson Mandela Frank Hendriks: Credible Political Leaders: Reflections on the X-Factor and Beyond Sigal Ben-Rafael Galanti / […]
    ab 42,00 €

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    Decolonizing Enlightenment

    Do norms of justice, human rights and democracy enable disenfranchised communities? Or do they simply reinforce relations of domination between those who are constituted as dispensers of justice, rights and aid, and those who are coded as receivers? Critical race theorists, feminists and queer and postcolonial theorists confront these questions and offer critical perspectives. View Table of Contents   The Editor: Prof Dr Nikita Dhawan, Junior Professor of Political Science […]
    38,00 €

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