Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
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Schlagwort: Germany

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    dms 2-2023 | Infrastrukturen und Investitionen im Bundesstaat – eine schwierige Beziehung

    dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 2-2023: Infrastrukturen und Investitionen im Bundesstaat – eine schwierige Beziehung hrsg. von Christian Raffer, Henrik Scheller & Gunnar Schwarting Themenschwerpunkt Christian Raffer / Henrik Scheller / Gunnar Schwarting: Infrastrukturen und Investitionen im Bundesstaat – eine schwierige Beziehung Mario Hesse: Ausmaß der kommunalen Investitionsbedarfe und Ursachen der unzureichenden Infrastrukturfinanzierung Ronny Freier / René Geißler: Kommunale Investitionen – Bedeutung […]
    ab 75,00 €

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    Open Access

    Diskurs 3-2022 | Zeitdiversitäten in Kindheit und Jugend

    Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung / Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research 3-2022: Zeitdiversitäten in Kindheit und Jugend Sina-Mareen Köhler / Bettina Lindmeier: Editorial Schwerpunktbeiträge Imke Niediek: Time – Timing – Out of Time? Auswirkungen temporaler Herausforderungen auf die sozialen Beziehungen unterstützt kommunizierender Jugendlicher Karolina Siegert / Bettina Lindmeier: Zum Erleben von und dem Umgang mit Zeit: Chrononormative Orientierungen und deren Bearbeitung in adoleszenten Biographien am Übergang Schule-Beruf Zena R. […]
    ab 0,00 €
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    dms 1-2022 | Krisenbewältigung durch Politik, Verwaltung und Gesellschaft in Deutschland

    dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 1-2022: Krisenbewältigung durch Politik, Verwaltung und Gesellschaft in Deutschland hrsg. von Nathalie Behnke & Steffen Eckhard Themenschwerpunkt Nathalie Behnke / Steffen Eckhard: A systemic perspective on crisis management and resilience in Germany (im Open Access verfügbar) Sabine Kropp / Christoph Nguyen / Antonios Souris: Zusammenhalt im Bundesstaat? Bundesfreundliche und opportunistische Argumentationsstrategien in der Pandemie (im Open Access […]
    ab 75,00 €

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    IJREE 1-2021 | Extended Education: Practices, Theories, and Activities

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2021: Extended Education: Practices, Theories, and Activities Sang Hoon Bae: Editor's Preface Special Section Anna-Lena Ljusberg / Anna Klerfelt: A critical scrutiny and discussion of the significance of complementation and compensation viewed from different aspects of Extended Education in different countries Karin Lager / Jan Gustafsson-Nyckel: Teachers Enacting Complementation and Compensation in a Practice under Strain – Policy and Practice in […]
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    Open Access

    Stakeholders and procedures in the development of national training standards – a European comparative study

    Open Access: Stakeholders and procedures in the development of national training standards – a European comparative study can be downloaded free of charge in Open Access (PDF) or is available for a fee as a print edition. This article was published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and is licensed under the Creative Commons License: The design of vocational qualification standards is one of the key […]
    24,90 €

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    The roles of stakeholders in vocational education and training systems in times of digitalisation – a German-Swiss comparison (RADigital)

    Open Access: The roles of stakeholders in vocational education and training systems in times of digitalisation – a German-Swiss comparison (RADigital) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Dieser Beitrag ist beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung erschienen und steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz: In both Switzerland and Germany, stakeholders in vocational education and training (VET) are responding to the serious technological changes with numerous initiatives […]
    34,90 €

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    dms 1-2021 | Digital transformation in the public sector: from design to impact

    dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 1-2021: Digital transformation in the public sector: from design to impact hrsg. von Caroline Fischer, Moritz Heuberger & Moreen Heine Themenschwerpunkt Caroline Fischer / Moritz Heuberger / Moreen Heine: The impact of digitalization in the public sector: A systematic literature review Birgit Jæger: Digital Citizenship – A review of the academic literature Julia Schwanholz / Lavinia Zinser […]
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    International Social Work and Forced Migration

    The book focuses on Social Work with refugees in African, Middle East and European countries. Published as a follow-up to the ‘International Social Work Week’ in Würzburg/Germany with professionals and experts from all over the globe, this book intends to share insights into country-specific developments, challenges and potentials of Social Work in forced migration contexts. The objectives are to map Social Work in this field of action across several countries, […]
    46,00 €

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    BIOS 2-2018 | (Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change

    BIOS – Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen 2-2018: (Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change hrsg. von: Stefan Moitra & Katarzyna Nogueira Schwerpunktbeiträge Stefan Moitra / Katarzyna Nogueira: (Post-)Industrial Memories. Oral History and Structural Change. Introduction Arthur McIvor: “Scrap-Heap Storiesˮ: Oral Narratives of Labour and Loss in Scottish Mining and Manufacturing Thomas Schürmann: Conditions for a Successful Farewell. Memories of Coal Mining in Ibbenbüren Stefan Moitra: Winning or […]
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    Open Access

    IJREE 2-2019 | Extended Education and Social Inequality

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2019: Extended Education and Social Inequality Sang Hoon Bae: Editor's Preface Special Section Sang Hoon Bae / Ludwig Stecher: Extended Education and Social Inequality: An Introduction Sergey Kosaretsky / Ivan Ivanov: Inequality in Extracurricular Education in Russia Steve R. Entrich / Wolfgang Lauterbach: Shadow Education in Germany: Compensatory or Status Attainment Strategy? Findings from the German LifE Study Sang Hoon Bae […]
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    Open Access

    IJREE 2-2018 | A Discussion about Concepts and Terms in the Field of Extended Education

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2018: A Discussion about Concepts and Terms in the Field of Extended Education Special Section Marianne Schuepbach: Introduction: A Discussion about Concepts and Terms in the Field of Extended Education Anna Klerfelt / Anna-Lena Ljusberg: Eliciting Concepts in the Field of Extended Education – A Swedish Provoke Marianne Schuepbach: Useful terms in English for the field of extended education and a […]
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  • IJREE 1-2018 | Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View

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    Open Access

    IJREE 1-2018 | Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2018: Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View Special Section Marianne Schuepbach: Introduction: Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View Marianne Schuepbach / Denise Huang: Comparison of Extended Education and Research in this Field in Taiwan and in Switzerland Sang Hoon Bae / Fuyuko Kanefuji: A Comparison of the Afterschool Programs of Korea and Japan: From the […]
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  • IJREE 2-2016 | Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions

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    Open Access

    IJREE 2-2016 | Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2016: Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions Main Topic Jennifer Cartmel / Kylie Brannelly: A Framework for Developing the Knowledge and Competencies of the Outside School Hours Services Workforce Joseph L. Mahoney: Practitioners’ Use of Research in Decision Making about Organized Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Adolescents Stephan Kielblock / Johanna M. Gaiser: The Impact of […]
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  • IJREE 1-2016 | Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff

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    IJREE 1-2016 | Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2016: Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff Main Topic Michelle Jutzi / Marianne Schuepbach / Lukas Frei / Wim Nieuwenboom / Benjamin von Allmen: Pursuing a Common Goal: How School Principals and After-school Directors Perceive Professional Culture of Collaboration Oliver Böhm-Kasper / Vanessa Dizinger / Pia Gausling: Multiprofessional Collaboration Between Teachers and Other Educational Staff at German All-day Schools as a Characteristic […]
    ab 0,00 €
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