Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
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Unsere englischen Publikationen

Schlagwort: higher education

  • Gesellschaft

    Higher Education Research – What Else?

    The founder of higher education research in Germany, Ulrich Teichler, looks back on more than five decades of higher education research. The economic miracle and university expansion, the student movement, experiments and crises of the 1970s, organisational breakdown, reunification, internationalisation, ranking and management cult – all these are historical stages that are reflected in higher education and science. Ulrich Teichler, directly involved, reports with openness and humour, presenting clever analyses. […]
    36,00 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Open Access

    IJREE 2-2020 | Extended Education at College and its Outcomes

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2020: Extended Education at College and its Outcomes Sang Hoon Bae: Editor's Preface Special Section Steve R. Entrich / Sang Hoon Bae: Extended Education at College and its Outcomes: An Introduction Steve R. Entrich / Soo-yong Byun: Supplementary Education at College and Its Consequences for Individuals’ Labor Market Outcomes in the United States Jae-Eun Jon / Heeyun Kim / Soo-yong Byun: […]
    ab 0,00 €
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  • Einzelhefte

    IJAR 1-2019 | Free Contributions

    IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 1-2019: Free Contributions Michal Lysek / Jörgen Palmhager / Mike Danilovic: Re-envisioning Innovation: From Vision to Strategy to Plan and Back Again Horacio Bozzano / Tomás Canevari: Scientific Agendas and Work Tables. An action research initiative in La Plata, Ensenada and Berisso, Argentina David Coghlan / Paul Coughlan / Abraham B. Shani: Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research Amir Kalan /  Parisa Jafari […]
    ab 29,00 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Open Access

    European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners

    Open Access: The book European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740504) , which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners (DOI: 10.3224/84740504) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als […]
    24,90 €
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  • Open Access

    IJREE 2-2014 | UC Links: Collaborative Engagement in Extended Learning

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2014: UC Links: Collaborative Engagement in Extended Learning Main Topic Robert Lecusay: Building Zones of Proximal Development with Computer Games in a UC Links After-school Program Andrew Schuetze / Lorena Claeys / Belinda Bustos Flores / Shannon Sezech: La Clase Mágica as a Community Based Expansive Learning Approach to STEM Education Marta Padrós / Sònia Sànchez-Busqués / José Luis Lalueza / […]
    ab 0,00 €
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  • Politik

    Innovating Teaching and Learning

    The book brings together unique teaching experiences of young researchers innovating their teaching and student learning and enhancing student engagement. Their teaching innovations serve as a valuable source of inspiration for other young teachers who face similar pedagogic problems.   The Editors: Dr Ludmila Adamová, assistant professor for English and American Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Slovakia Petra Muráriková, Department of General and Applied Ethics, Constantine the Philosopher University […]
    9,90 €

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  • Schlüsselkompetenzen

    A Student’s Guide to European Universities

    The guidebook to Social Sciences in Europe offers students and researchers going abroad an insight into the origins, the methods and the current trends in four Social Science disciplines in six European countries (Spain, France, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic and Great Britain), as well as an overview of the university system and student life in those countries. For each country, insights into the national traditions and characteristics of Sociology, […]
    59,00 €

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  • Erziehung

    Smooth Path or Long and Winding Road?

    Open Access: Dieser Titel ist kostenlos im Open Access herunterladbar (PDF) oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich.   The book uses a comparative study of Germany and Britain to reveal how national institutions shape the labour market careers of higher education graduates. It identifies four institutional spheres that are important: the structure of higher education systems, the content of study, the structure of graduate labour markets, and labour market flexibility. Due […]
    39,90 €
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  • Politik

    The Bologna Process – Harmonizing Europe’s Higher Education

    The book analyses the Bologna Process as an effort to harmonise Europe’s higher education in the context of global competition. It includes original documents from inter­governmental and non-governmental organizations, up to the Bergen ministerial meeting of the Bologna Process in May 2005. Der Bologna Prozess versucht die Hochschulbildung innerhalb der Europäischen Union zu harmonisieren, um die Attraktivität des Standorts Europa im globalen Kontext zu erhöhen und die Mobilität der Studierenden innerhalb […]
    48,00 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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