Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
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Our English Publications

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    Open Access

    Theories in Adult Learning and Education

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   The graduate student guide in adult education explores theories of adult learning and adult education participation. It provides a frame of reference for understanding the development of a rapidly evolving field and for enhancing knowledge and […]
    19,90 €
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    Our English Publications

    Research and Development in Adult Education

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   The importance of adult education is growing steadily—be it in relation with migration, matters of inclusion, the work place etc. Thus, this international perspective on the most important research issues in adult education is a wealth […]
    16,90 €
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    The Good Cause

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Printausgabe bestellen können.   The book presents the state of the art in studying the causes of corruption from a comparative perspective. Leading scholars in the field of corruption analysis shed light on the issue of corruption from different theoretical […]
    24,90 €
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    Smooth Path or Long and Winding Road?

    Open Access: Dieser Titel ist kostenlos im Open Access herunterladbar (PDF) oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich.   The book uses a comparative study of Germany and Britain to reveal how national institutions shape the labour market careers of higher education graduates. It identifies four institutional spheres that are important: the structure of higher education systems, the content of study, the structure of graduate labour markets, and labour market flexibility. Due […]
    39,90 €
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    Our English Publications

    The Holocaust in Three Generations

    Open Access: The book The Holocaust in Three Generations is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/10.3224/86649282) , which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel The Holocaust in Three Generations (DOI: 10.3224/10.3224/86649282) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz […]
    39,90 €
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    Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   Intended for readers working with qualitative methods, this volume presents the first systematic English introduction to the application of the Documentary Method to group discussions, interviews, films, and pictures. Based on a broader German-Brazilian cooperation project, […]
    39,90 €
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