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The “International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (IHBB)” has de- veloped into a practically related standard work for comparative VET research in the German-speaking countries. The studies concentrate on national vocational education and training and educational systems and provide an introductory insight into the gen- eral socio-economic conditions and educational policy competences in the respective countries. The Handbook presents the educational systems from a VET perspective and traces their structural and historical lines of development. The International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training was founded by Dr Uwe Lauterbach and Profes- sor Wolfgang Mitter at the German Institute for International Pedagogical Research in 1994. It originally comprised a loose-leaf compilation and has been supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis ever since.
Kristina Wiemann works as an academic researcher in the Faculty of Business and Social Education at the University of Cologne
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