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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Category: newsletter international

  • New Recommendations
    Cover: Managing Challenging Behaviour in Schools

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    Managing Challenging Behaviour in Schools

    Challenging behaviour of children and adolescents in everyday school life is often a sign of the difficult life situations in which they grow up. For teachers and educational professionals, dealing with the resulting conflicts is the biggest challenge. This book presents approaches and solutions for understanding and acting in difficult educational situations at school. In addition, an inclusive support approach offers impulses for school development to prevent challenging behaviour. The […]
    26,90 €

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    Cover: China’s Self-Conception and the Security Environment in East Asia

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    New Releases

    China’s Self-Conception and the Security Environment in East Asia

    China's economic, technological, political, scientific, and military rise has significant implications for both the international system and the regional dynamics in East Asia. The People's Republic views this development as a resurgence, a return to a leading global position. This study reflects on this process and discusses the concepts and strategies that the international community might adopt in response to China's growing self-confidence. An analysis of China's foreign, economic, and […]
    7,90 €

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    Cover: Translating Student Diversity Within the German Higher Education System

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    newsletter international

    Translating Student Diversity Within the German Higher Education System

    How do universities respond to the institutional demand to deal with an increasingly heterogeneous student body? Julia Mergner examines the widening participation policy discourse from an organizational sociological perspective. The results show how differently universities translate the idea of student diversity into their local context and legitimize strategies, structures and practices for dealing with it. The book explores how variations in organizational responses can be explained theoretically. Drawing on Scandinavian […]
    34,90 €

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    Cover: Workforce Profiles

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    Workforce Profiles in Early Childhood Education and Care

    This book offers a systematic insight into the development of early childhood professionals in Europe. What are the requirements in terms of qualifications? What do career paths look like? What characterises the respective working contexts? What political initiatives are being taken? What challenges are there? These questions were analysed as part of a three-year research project in 33 countries. The book summarises the key findings and presents cross-national comparisons of […]
    26,00 €

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  • Cover: At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe

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    newsletter international

    At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe

    In 1952, politicians from Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg formed an Ad Hoc Assembly with the aim of drafting a constitution for a future European Political Community. Rediscovering this previously neglected origin of parliamentary Europe, Kari Palonen investigates the significance of the Ad Hoc Assembly for the politicization of European integration. He delves into how the debates of the assembly functioned as a project of European integration […]
    49,00 €

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  • IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2023: Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce

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    newsletter international

    IJREE 1-2023 | Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2023: Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce Sang Hoon Bae: Editor’s Preface Special Section Nanine Lilla / Marianne Schüpbach / Jennifer Cartmel: Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce Bruce Hurst / Kylie Brannelly / Jennifer Cartmel: The Production and Performance of Workplace Hierarchies in Australian Outside School Hours Care Markus Sauerwein / Annalena Danner / Franziska Bock / Till-Sebastian Idel / Gunther Graßhoff: […]
    from 35,00 €

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  • Cover: Contested Social and Ecological Reproduction

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    Our English Publications

    Contested Social and Ecological Reproduction

    Humanity has not succeeded in securing the basis of life for all people. A major reason is the dominant global capitalist economy, which is based on the exploitation and use of nature—but this state of affairs is not accepted by everyone. This book provides a close socio-analytical look at how states, social movements, and civil society actors deal with this polycrisis. Ever since the economic crisis of 2008/09 the growth […]
    43,00 €
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  • Cover: Tyranny of the Majority?

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    Tyranny of the Majority?

    Does direct democracy result in a Tyranny of the Majority for Oppressed Groups? This first analysis of over 500 referenda shows that on the contrary, Oppressed Groups were often able to benefit from direct democracy. However, the interests of LGBTQ+ groups, groups of low socioeconomic status, and foreign nationals are under pressure. To protect them, the book develops ways to design direct democratic votes that support Oppressed Groups. Increased political […]
    29,90 €

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    newsletter international

    Inclusive Localities

    Open Access: The book "Inclusive Localities" is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84743017) which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel "Inclusive Localities" (DOI: 10.3224/84743017) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY […]
    59,90 €
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  • Cover: Social Work in the Changing Welfare State

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    Social Work in the Changing Welfare State

    Open Access: The book "Social Work in the Changing Welfare State" is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84743053) which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel "Social Work in the Changing Welfare State" (DOI: 10.3224/84743053) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht […]
    44,90 €
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