Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
University Didactics
Politische Bildung
Key Competences
Social Work
Open Access
Our English Publications

Category: Unsere englischen Publikationen

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    Our English Publications

    The History of Poland

    This book of three leading Polish historians was written to outline the history of Poland to the international reader. This unique work tells the history of Poland systematically and succinctly. It is an invitation to discover the rich tradition and complex case of Poland from its beginnings to becoming a member of the European Union in the 20th century. As a result, this book has received very favourable reviews in […]
    36,00 €

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    What Europeanness Means Today?

    The book combines the question about European identity with deliberations about cross-cultural, economic and social aspects of Europeanness, discussing simultaneously the various challenges facing Europe in the 21st century. The editors of this volume combine aspects of European identity and its multicultural, economic, and social dimensions. More precisely, the most problematical challenges of the European continent dealt with are (1) the deficit of joint pan-European symbols, (2) preventive European diplomacy, […]
    29,90 €

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    European Education (and Training) Systems

    The development of the European single market and rapid technological changes have resulted in major economic changes in Europe and have convinced the governments of the need to upgrade their education and training systems in the face of economic globalisation. This book summarises the degree to which the common economic and demographic context and the common vocabulary have produced a convergence in education and training systems in selected European countries […]
    39,90 €

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    Health Communication in Poland

    This publication sheds light on origins of health communication in Poland and presents the main interests and the developments in the field. The authors are researchers from different academic centres in Poland and practitioners who deal with health communication on a daily basis. The book encourages to join the debate on the subject of health communication. Target groups: researchers interested in health communication / researchers interested in the Polish health […]
    24,90 €

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  • INSEP 1-2016 | Free Contributions

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    Our English Publications

    INSEP 1-2016 | Free Contributions

    INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics 1-2016: Free Contributions Introduction Lode Lauwaert / Gert Hekma: Sade Today Articles Gert Hekma: The relevance of Sade for society today Eric Marty: Why did the 20th century take Sade seriously? Julie Mazaleigue-Labaste: Sade, “sexual perversion” and us: another history of sexuality from the end of the Enlightenment to the 21st century Lode Lauwaert: Metaphysics, transgression, and enjoyment […]
    from 33,00 €

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  • Heft 2-2016 | ERIS - European Review of International Studies

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    Our English Publications

    Heft 2-2016 | ERIS – European Review of International Studies

    Heft 2-2016 - Volume Three, Issue 2 ERIS - European Review of International Studies Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen Einzelbeiträge zum Download (teils Open Access / teils kostenpflichtig):
    from 33,00 €

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  • IJREE 2-2016 | Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions

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    Our English Publications

    IJREE 2-2016 | Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2016: Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions Main Topic Jennifer Cartmel / Kylie Brannelly: A Framework for Developing the Knowledge and Competencies of the Outside School Hours Services Workforce Joseph L. Mahoney: Practitioners’ Use of Research in Decision Making about Organized Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Adolescents Stephan Kielblock / Johanna M. Gaiser: The Impact of […]
    from 0,00 €
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  • Experiences of Intervention Against Violence

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    Experiences of Intervention Against Violence

    Open Access:  This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies is ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können. The stories in this anthology emerged from interviews with women and young people about their experience of intervention when they were escaping a situation of abuse, neglect and/or sexual exploitation. They come from the research project “Cultural […]
    39,90 €
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    Our English Publications

    Heft 1-2016 | ERIS – European Review of International Studies

    Heft 1-2016 - Volume Three, Issue 1 ERIS - European Review of International Studies Einzelbeiträge zum Download (teils Open Access / teils kostenpflichtig):
    from 33,00 €

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  • IJREE 1-2016 | Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff

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    Our English Publications

    IJREE 1-2016 | Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2016: Professionalization and Professionalism of Staff Main Topic Michelle Jutzi / Marianne Schuepbach / Lukas Frei / Wim Nieuwenboom / Benjamin von Allmen: Pursuing a Common Goal: How School Principals and After-school Directors Perceive Professional Culture of Collaboration Oliver Böhm-Kasper / Vanessa Dizinger / Pia Gausling: Multiprofessional Collaboration Between Teachers and Other Educational Staff at German All-day Schools as a Characteristic […]
    from 0,00 €
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    Open Access

    The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   To become a competent social worker it is essential to know the perspective of the service users. Therefore, service users are more and more included in field research projects and the instruction of social workers to-be. […]
    22,00 €
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    Open Access

    Economic Competence and Financial Literacy of Young Adults

    Open Access:  This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies is ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Paperback bestellen können.   The authors take a detailed look at the economic competence and financial literacy of young adults, especially of those who start an apprenticeship or who take up their studies at an university. Economic competence and financial […]
    59,90 €
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  • The Regional Security Puzzle around Afghanistan

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    Open Access

    The Regional Security Puzzle around Afghanistan

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Printausgabe bestellen können.   Western military presence wanes in Afghanistan and a transformed security environment challenges borders and stability in Central Asia. This book examines how the tensions relating to the reorganization of external military presence interact with regional states’ […]
    59,90 €
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    Our English Publications

    Gendering European Integration Theory

    The authors engage a dialogue between European integration theories and gender studies. The contributions illustrate where and how gender scholarship has made creative use of integration theories and thus contributes to a vivid theoretical debate. The chapters are designed to make gender scholarship more visible to integration theory and, in this way stimulates the broader theoretical debates. Investigating the whole range of integration theory with a gender lens, the authors […]
    54,90 €

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    Open Access

    Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis

    Open Access: The book Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740618), which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): / Der Titel Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis (DOI: 10.3224/84740618) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar […]
    28,00 €
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  • PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 2021-2022: Free Contributions

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    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization

    The Journal: PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization publishes new and significant work in all areas of political socialization in order to achieve a better scientific understanding of the origins of political behaviors and orientations of individuals and groups. Political socialization theory and research focus on processes by and structures through which individuals become or do not become politically active and acquire or do not acquire general political knowledge, and […]
    from 55,00 €

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