Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
University Didactics
Politische Bildung
Key Competences
Social Work
Open Access
Our English Publications

Kategorie: Unsere englischen Publikationen

  • Politics

    Teaching Theory and Academic Writing

    The volume is written for young researchers who are teaching at undergraduate level are interested in further developing their teaching skills and publishing record. The authors of the book have compiled a volume that is rich in experience and presents innovative methods to modern teaching in political science. The book follows a practice-oriented approach in teaching and assists the reader with inspiration and concrete examples when designing courses that are […]
    16,90 €

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  • Society

    City and Region

    This book deals with the development of cities and regions in times of decisive transformation in Europe throughout these past twenty years. In the Western parts of Europe cities and regions were challenged from the outside by globalisation and by technological and demographic change from the inside. On top of that the Eastern parts were confronted with deep restructuring processes enforced by the transition from socialist to capitalistic structures. By […]
    39,90 €

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  • Our English Publications

    Gender Politics and Democracy in post-socialist Europe

    Utilising the concept of political representation, the book scrutinises women’s legislative presence and highlights the opportunities and obstacles to parity democracy in this region of Europe. The book examines the link bet­ween women’s membership of national parliaments and the substantive representation of gender interests. Der englischsprachige Band untersucht Gender-Politik und Demokratieentwicklung in den postkommunistischen Staaten in Europa. Grundlage ist eine groß angelegte aktuelle Untersuchung unter der Federführung von Yvonne Galligan […]
    19,90 €

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  • Politics

    Formal Institutions and Informal Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

    Der Band untersucht das Zusammenspiel von formalen Institutionen und informellen Mechanismen der Politik in Mittel- und Osteuropa in den Transformationsprozessen von 1989 bis 2005: Wie wurde und wird in postkommunistischen Systemen tatsächlich Politik gemacht? Wie beeinflussen informelle Prozesse innerhalb und jenseits der formalen staatlichen Institutionen die Verteilung der Macht und die Entscheidungsprozesse der politischen Elite? Welche Elemente sind nur vorübergehende, welche eher dauerhafte Erscheinungen in Ungarn, Polen, Russland und der […]
    29,90 €

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  • Politics


    Problems of democratization, its successes, failures and future prospects, belong to the most pressing concerns of our times. In this volume the "state of the art" in this respect is discussed by leading international experts in this field including Laurence Whitehead, Gerardo Munck, Axel Hadenius and Juan Linz. Der englischsprachige Band liefert nun schon in der zweiten Auflage eine Einführung in den status quo der Forschung und Theorien zum Thema "Demokratisierung". International […]
    19,90 €

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  • Politics

    European Neighbourhood Policy

    The enlarged European Union needs new instruments for exporting stability and change into the fragile regions and countries beyond its borders. That is why the EU is developing and implementing the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): a strategic concept which is to enhance the Union’s capability to be a driver of reform - without automatically promising the "golden carrot” of membership to the neighbours. This book provides the reader with information […]
    24,90 €

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  • Politics

    Gendered Career Trajectories in Academia in Cross-National Perspective

    Trotz dem steigendem Anteil junger Frauen unter den Studierenden und trotz vieler Programme, die eine Geschlechtergleichheit an den Hochschulen der europäischen Staaten garantieren sollen, sind nur wenige Frauen in Top-Positionen in Forschung und Lehre geklettert. In welchen Ländern sich die Situation wie darstellt, zeigen die internationalen ExpertInnen in diesem Buch. Der Band ist im polnischen Verlag Scholar erschienen und wird international auch vom Verlag Barbara Budrich vertrieben.
    24,90 €

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  • Our English Publications

    Modernizing the United Nations System

    Modernizing the United Nations system is necessary to deal with the anarchy of Globali­sation. After reviewing global change and the many proposals for UN reform, the book shows how international civil society may be the only force that can provide the momentum required to modernize an organisation that is 50 years behind the times. Das System der Vereinten Nationen ist längst veränderungswürdig, um die Anarchie der Globalisierung vernünftig begrenzen zu […]
    29,90 €

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  • Society

    Gender Orders Unbound?

    During the last thirty years, the modernisation of gender relations has been dynamic and comprehensive, shaped by the conflicting forces of globalisation as well as women’s movements around the world. As the patterns of segregation and discrimination of the classical industrial gender order erode, new complexities and contentions in gender relations emerge at various sites such as politics, work and families. The main aim of the book is to trace […]
    39,90 €

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  • Social Work

    International Social Work

    The book focuses on three key issues of international social work: (1) on international dimensions of social problems and how social work practice can deal with these challenges, (2) on cultural issues social workers have to think of when practicing, teaching an developing social work on an international level and finally (3) on aspects of international approaches in social work education.   Das Buch untersucht drei zentrale Themenkreise der internationalen […]
    16,90 €

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  • Our English Publications

    The State of Political Science in Western Europe

    This volume is the definite statement on the current state of political science as a discipline in Western Europe. Detailed and comparable accounts are provided for 17 countries; four chapters portray European developments.
    59,00 €

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  • Politics

    Governing development across cultures

    The book is a critical examination and appraisal of the status, methodology and likely future trends of the emerging sub-discipline of "Governing Development” within the broader discipline of political science, leading to the application of "Good Governance” in the admi­nistration and development of the newly emerged nations during the later half of the twentieth century. Das Buch liefert eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme des Status quo der Subdisziplin "Governing Development". Es untersucht […]
    28,00 €

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  • Politics

    The Comparative Study of Local Government and Politics

    The book provides a state-of-the-art of local government studies, with an emphasis on con­tributions by political science. Particular attention is paid to the development of the research agenda in the field, of which a potential future development is outlined. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über Stand und Perspektiven der Kommunalverwaltungen insbesondere mit Blick auf die Rolle der Politikwissenschaft. Aktuelle und für die Zukunft notwendige Forschungsperspektiven runden diese Übersicht ab.
    19,90 €

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  • Society

    Convergence, Persistence and Diversity in Male and Female Careers – Does Context Matter in an Era of Globalization?

    Am Beispiel der Wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Regime Westdeutschlands und Dänemarks zeigt diese Längsschnittstudie, in welcher Weise Institutionen und nationale Kontexte die individuellen Risiken und Chancen unter dem Druck der Globalisierung und Flexibilisierung geschlechtsspezifisch vorstrukturieren und welche tiefgreifenden Konsequenzen sich daraus für die Lebensläufe jüngerer Generationen ergeben.   Die Autorin: Dr. Daniela Grunow, Postdoctoral Associate am CIQLE, Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven
    24,90 €

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  • Politics

    The Bologna Process – Harmonizing Europe’s Higher Education

    The book analyses the Bologna Process as an effort to harmonise Europe’s higher education in the context of global competition. It includes original documents from inter­governmental and non-governmental organizations, up to the Bergen ministerial meeting of the Bologna Process in May 2005. Der Bologna Prozess versucht die Hochschulbildung innerhalb der Europäischen Union zu harmonisieren, um die Attraktivität des Standorts Europa im globalen Kontext zu erhöhen und die Mobilität der Studierenden innerhalb […]
    48,00 €

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  • Social Work

    Perspectives on European Social Work

    The book offers explanations and clarifications for the bewildering variety of titles and job profiles in the social professions in Europe. It presents them both as a product of specific national welfare arrange­ments and as a sign of a special kind of professional autonomy that so far helped to correct national welfare trends. Dieses Buch untersucht die gegenwärtigen sozialpolitischen Veränderungen im post-1989 Europa und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Praxis der […]
    29,90 €

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