Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
University Didactics
Politische Bildung
Key Competences
Social Work
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Our English Publications

Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
University Didactics
Politische Bildung
Key Competences
Social Work
Open Access
Our English Publications

Kategorie: Unsere englischen Publikationen

  • Our English Publications

    Business and Government

    This volume reviews current debates on the role of business in politics and it assesses emerg­ing methodological approaches to its study. The book brings together leading scholars to assess various qualitative and quantitative methods, network analysis, historical context and positive rational choice modeling, and detailed research case studies in the study of Business-Government relations. Businesses have developed an increasingly sophisticated appreciation of the policy process, as well as an ability […]
    16,90 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Our English Publications


    The book focuses on the study of democratic processes. Special empha­sis is put (1) on the existence of a diversity of (e.g. socio-economic, ethno-cultural) interests and the transformation of this diversity into public policies, (2) on the participatory features of democracy and on barriers to individual and group participation due to disparities in economic and political resources. Das Buch untersucht die Entwicklung demokratischer Prozesse. Insbesondere geht es um Interessenvielfalt und […]
    16,90 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Psychology

    Political Psychology

    The book Political Psychology provides detailed information about the development of the field of political psychology, a subfield of both political science and psychology. It describes the evolution of concepts and theories within political psychology, international influences in the field, current concepts and methodology, and trends that augur for the future of the enterprise. Political psychology exists as an interdisciplinary subfield of two well-established disciplines; from this position it naturally […]
    19,90 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Social Work

    Helfer der Armen – Hüter der Öffentlichkeit/ Guardians of the Poor – Custodians of the Public

    In diesem zweisprachigen Buch geht es um die Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts über die Geschichte der Sozialen Arbeit in Osteuropa in den Jahren zwischen 1900 und 1960, an dem acht Länder beteiligt waren: Bulgarien, Kroatien, Lettland, Polen, Rumänien, Russland, Slowenien und Ungarn. The bi-lingual book describes the results of case studies about the history of social work in Eastern Europe between 1900 and 1960 in eight countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, […]
    36,00 €

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  • Social Work

    Need and Care – Glimpses into the Beginnings of Eastern Europe’s Professional Welfare

    The book gives a collection of case studies by national researchers from the project “History of Social Work in Eastern Europe 1900–1960 (SWEEP)”. This collection is directed at teaching Social Work and History of Social Work in an international context since it focuses on Latvia, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria. The book contains 16 articles about specific interesting examples from the histories of Social Work that have […]
    33,00 €

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  • Politics

    Democracy under Construction

    The book compares five newly emerged democracies in Europe, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa. Cutting across vastly different historical and cultural backgrounds it tells the story of how societies come to terms with a painful past and how politics, culture and the economy intertwine in the process of creating new democratic nations.   Frederik van zyl Slabbert: "This is a must read for anyone concerned about the future […]
    49,00 €

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  • Society

    Work Changes Gender

    Changes in the work sphere and the "vanishing" of standard work may end the old breadwinner type of masculinity. But where "new men" try to balance work and life or show caring activities, they face obstacles - i.e. in organisations or on playgrounds. The book explains the ongoing changes in detail, shows ways how men deal with them and gives recommendations how to achieve gender equality by including a perspective on […]
    19,90 €

    inkl. MwSt.

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  • Society

    Gender Mainstreaming – an Innovation in Europe?

    This book provides an in-depth study into the construction and implementation of gender mainstreaming in the European Commission. It is founded in organisation sociology and European integration research. Gender studies are pursued as an integral perspective. This is in contrast to existing publications on gender mainstreaming. Many have been commissioned by governments or government agencies and produced under enormous time pressure. They are often limited to best practice studies with […]
    36,00 €

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  • Education

    Transformation of Vocational Secondary Schools

    How can vocational secondary schools be trans­form­ed into study-related schools? What impact would this school type have? Taking the vocational Gymnasium in Baden-Würt­tem­berg, Germany, as a significant example, this study ex­amines the transformation of vocational schools empirically grounded and informed. Based on a broad range of doc­umentary records as well as research find­ings, this book links the rise of vocational Gymna­si­um with the long-term development of the German Gym­na­sium. Furthermore, […]
    39,90 €

    inkl. MwSt.

    Ausführung wählen Dieses Produkt weist mehrere Varianten auf. Die Optionen können auf der Produktseite gewählt werden

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