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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Tag: international relations

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    The Making of the World

    International Organizations (IOs) were designed to provide global public goods, among which security for all, trade for the richest, and development for the poorest. Their very existence is now a promise of success for the cooperative turn in international relations. Although the IO network was once created by established powers, rising states can hardly resist the massive production of norms that their governments can be reluctant to respect without being […]
    44,90 €

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  • PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1+2-2018: Free Contributions

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    Our English Publications

    PCS 1+2-2018 | Free Contributions

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1+2-2018: Free Contributions Articles Ganna Diedkova / Christ’l De Landtsheer: Going negative by metaphors: The Donbass conflict in the Russian and the Ukrainian Press Richard D. Anderson Jr.: The Colonialist Roots of Democratic Decay: Collective Action, Experimental Psychology, and Spatial Discourse Elena Shestopal: The Image of Russia in Contemporary Russian Society: Political and Psychological Analysis Arie Geronik: The Influence of Early Childhood Socialization on […]
    from 84,00 €

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  • Mouritz: The Influence of Economic Interdependence on US-China Relations. An Analysis of Economic Incentives for Continued Cooperation. Verlag Barbara Budrich.

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    The Influence of Economic Interdependence on US-China Relations

    US-China tensions over global supremacy escalated over the last years, increasing the likelihood of a future conflict. However, an open conflict would have costly consequences for both sides due to the countries’ deep economic interconnectedness. Against this backdrop, the book addresses the question how high the incentives for both sides are to avoid conflict and continue cooperation out of economic considerations. The objective of this Ph.D. thesis is to assess […]
    29,90 €

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    Germany’s New Partners

    In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis Germany became Europe’s most influential nation state. This book aims to provide a comparative assessment of how this is reflected in the country’s bilateral security relationships with key global and regional partners. Prepared by an international team of scholars, it offers unique, in-depth perspectives on the ways these evolving interactions affect the prospects for addressing recent and emerging security challenges. Table of […]
    36,00 €

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  • Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order

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    Open Access

    Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order

    Open Access: The book Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84742328) , which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): / Der Titel Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order (DOI: 10.3224/84742328) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter […]
    59,90 €
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    Divergent Pathways: Turkey and the European Union

    Should Turkey become a part of the European Union? This heated debate has been going on for many years now, always under the assumption that it is the membership candidate alone who needs to adjust to the EU’s influence. The book’s main argument is precisely that the Turkish accession needs to be analyzed not only by looking at the EU’s impact on Turkish transformation but also from an angle that […]
    39,90 €

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    Studies in International Relations and Politics

    The book represents a major examination regarding the current practice of international relations and world politics. It analyzes the international relations of large, medium, and smaller sized actors, and how they influence the larger dynamics and ebb and flow of the international system. While assessing the perspectives of 21st century international sys-tems, it also examines how relations between actors may improve or worsen, surely the most timely issue presently facing […]
    33,00 €

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    Strategies for Peace

    The state of the art of international research in the field provides the backdrop for this volume. How can enduring and sustainable peace be secured? International experts give enlightening insights. Der englischsprachige Sammelband ist ein Beitrag zur Forschungsdiskussion über die Möglichkeiten und Strategien, stabile und dauerhafte Friedensordnungen nach der Beendigung von Gewaltkonflikten zu errichten. Im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im internationalen System setzen sich international renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen mit der Frage […]
    28,00 €

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