With perspectives from 12 countries, this book delves deep into a diverse array of topics that are relevant to current international social work. The authors illustrate and discuss social work practices and their adaptability in the post COVID period in their relative contexts. Research-driven reflections both from academia and practice are woven together to provide direction where traditional modes of service delivery are challenged. The authors of this book aim […]
80,00 €
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Between couple violence and expulsion: How can migrant women whose residence status depends on marriage find a way out of domestic violence? Every person who experiences violence within the partnership should have access to help facilities. However, for groups of people who have come to their host country through marriage and are subject to migration regulations, this access is difficult. The study shows that in these cases there is a […]
50,00 €
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GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 3-2024: 15 Jahre GENDER – eine Standorterkundung Hrsg.: Corinna Bath / Judith Conrads / Sigrid Nieberle / Ralph Poole Corinna Bath / Judith Conrads / Sigrid Nieberle / Ralph Poole: Vorwort: 15 Jahre GENDER – eine Standorterkundung Debatten und Diskurse Iris Mendel: Von der Betroffenheit zur Befreiung? Such-Bewegungen feministischer Kritik Daniela Möller: „Einsicht“ in die eigene Unterwerfung?! Die Position der Schwangeren in […]
from 0,00 €
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research 2-2024: Free Contributions Guest Editorial Miren Larrea / Pablo Costamagna: Rethinking action research to face climate change: contributions from different traditions Articles Miren Larrea / Pablo Costamagna: Reformulating action research to facilitate territorial responses to climate change Ainhoa Arrona: Transforming territorial governance to make it transformative: reflections from and for action research for territorial development Igor Ahedo Gurrutxaga / Andere Ormazabal Gastón / […]
from 29,00 €
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Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 2-2022: Geschlecht – Gewalt – Global Schwerpunkt Julia Roth / Heidemarie Winkel / Alexandra Scheele: Geschlecht – Gewalt – Global. Gewalt im Zentrum weltweiter Angriffe auf Frauen- und Geschlechterrechte. Einleitung Ana Maria Miranda Mora: The Normative Dilemmas of the Feminist Struggles Against (Trans-)Feminicide in Mexico Karina Theurer: Das deutsche Völkerstrafgesetzbuch als Austragungsort transnationaler Kämpfe um die Ahndung sexualisierter Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten LÍvia […]
from 0,00 €
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Open Access: The book Gender and Diversity Studies is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740549) , which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution4.0 International (CC BY4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ / Der Titel Gender and Diversity StudiesCrossing and Controlling Borders (DOI: 10.3224/84740549) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution […]
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39,90 €
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IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 2-2016: Practitioner´s Use of Research to Improve Their Practices within Extended Educational Provisions Main Topic Jennifer Cartmel / Kylie Brannelly: A Framework for Developing the Knowledge and Competencies of the Outside School Hours Services Workforce Joseph L. Mahoney: Practitioners’ Use of Research in Decision Making about Organized Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Adolescents Stephan Kielblock / Johanna M. Gaiser: The Impact of […]
from 0,00 €
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GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 2-2016: Normalität dekonstruieren: queere Perspektiven Schwerpunkt/Essays Anja Gregor: „There is an ‚I‘ in LGBTQI“. Inter als kritischer Spiegel für queer theory Nicole Shephard: Queering intersectionality: encountering the transnational Claudia Krell / Kerstin Oldemeier: I am what I am? – Erfahrungen von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans und queeren Jugendlichen in Deutschland Elke Zobl / Ricarda Drüeke: „Making Art, Making Media, Making Change!?“ Prozesse […]
from 0,00 €
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ZQF – Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung 1+2-2014: Socialization, family, and gender in the context of migration hrsg. von: Ursula Apitzsch, Daniel Bertaux, Catherine Delcroix & Lena Inowlocki Schwerpunkt Ursula Apitzsch / Daniel Bertaux / Catherine Delcroix / Lena Inowlocki: Introduction to the thematic issue on „Socialization, family, and gender in the context of migration” Ursula Apitzsch / Irini Siouti: Transnational Biographies Catherine Delcroix / Elsa Lagier: Intergenerational transmissions in transnational […]
from 0,00 €
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