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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Tag: political theory

  • Cover: At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe

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    At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe

    In 1952, politicians from Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg formed an Ad Hoc Assembly with the aim of drafting a constitution for a future European Political Community. Rediscovering this previously neglected origin of parliamentary Europe, Kari Palonen investigates the significance of the Ad Hoc Assembly for the politicization of European integration. He delves into how the debates of the assembly functioned as a project of European integration […]
    49,00 €

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    Our English Publications

    Introduction to Modern Political Theory

    Das Buch liefert eine systematische Einführung in die Politischen Theorien der Moderne entlang der Leitunterscheidung „Republikanismus“ – „Liberalismus“. Aufgrund seines didaktischen Aufbaus eignet es sich hervorragend für das Selbststudium. Dies ist die englische Übersetzung unseres deutschen Erfolgstitels Einführung in die Politischen Theorien der Moderne
    19,90 €

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  • PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 2021-2022: Free Contributions

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    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization

    The Journal: PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization publishes new and significant work in all areas of political socialization in order to achieve a better scientific understanding of the origins of political behaviors and orientations of individuals and groups. Political socialization theory and research focus on processes by and structures through which individuals become or do not become politically active and acquire or do not acquire general political knowledge, and […]
    from 55,00 €

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    Participatory Democratic Innovations in Europe

      Representative democracy is often seen as a stable institutional system insusceptible to change. However, the preferences of the broad public are changing and representative, group based democracy has lost importance. This development made it necessary to change established ways of decision making and to introduce participatory democratic innovations. Many national and sub-national governments followed this route and implemented various kinds of participatory innovations, i.e. the inclusion of citizens into […]
    29,90 €

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    Principles of Distributive Justice

    There is constant debate around the questions of what constitutes the ‚just‘ distribution of goods and how we can assess existing distribution patterns. Some commentators mistakenly believe that there can be one simple, all-encompassing governing principle that automatically yields the ‚fairest‘ results. In this book Grzegorz Lissowski argues that three types of principles need to be distinguished according to three requirements of justice: equality, impartiality, and unanimity. The principle of […]
    59,90 €

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