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PCS 2019-2020 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1866-3427


PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization
2019-2020: Free Contributions

Articles No. 1, 2019
Simon Clemens: Metapolitics and Cultural Hegemony: The Concept of the Elite in the Discourse of the New Right Institut für Staatspolitik
Robert E. Gilbert: Civil Rights and Political Realignment: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy
Onur Sultan / Christʼl De Landtsheer: Metaphors in Daesh Propaganda: A Spark Lit in Iraq to Burn the Whole Globe

Book review
Gennard Stulens: The feeling, thinking citizen: Essays in honor of Milton Lodge. By Howard Lavine & Charles S. Taber (2018)

Articles No. 2, 2020
Sara Zamir / Heidi Flavian: Expression of political views by school teachers: Teachersʼ and parentsʼ perspectives and mindsets regarding the real and the ideal
Paul Dekker: Economic evaluations and political support: Repeated micro-analyses in the Netherlands, 2008-2020

Research Note
Daniel B. German: The State of America III – 2020: Political and Cultural Polarization in the United States Resulting from Discontinuous Socialization

Book reviews
Lisa Brugge: Why Weʼre Polarized. By Ezra Klein (2020)
Xanne Zellenrath: Black and White Thinking: the burden of a binary brain in a complex world. By Kevin Dutton (2020)

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Extracts / Leseproben


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10.+11. Jahrgang 2019-2020






124 Seiten




17 x 24 cm




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April 2024, civil rights, cognitive schemata, Daesh, democracy education, Elite, framing analysis, Hegemony, Institut für Staatspolitik, Islamic State, John F. Kennedy presidency, metaphor, metapolitics, New Right, personal economic situation, political limitations on teaching staff, political socialization, political support, Propaganda, Republican Party, Southern United States, teachersʼ training, The Netherlands 2008-2020, ‘egotropic’, ‘sociotropic’


Metapolitics and Cultural Hegemony: The Concept of the Elite in the Discourse of the New Right Institut für Staatspolitik (Simon Clemens)
Most research on right-wing populism focuses on the construction of ʼthe peopleʼ. Conversely, I ask how the other side of the populist conflict line – ʼthe eliteʼ – is discursively constructed. To this end,, I examine the debates of the far-right Institut für Staatspolitik (IfS) using Robert Entmanʼs framing analy-sis. Subsequently, I contextualize the results within the elite discourse of the German New Right. Summing up the results, the IfS states that starting from the student protests in the 1960s and 1970s the elite has become leftist or ʼmulticulturalistʼ. Through the eliteʼs hegemony in the media, it exerts a pressure of conformity. While the IfS constructs the elite negatively, it is not anti-elite. By labeling its political ene-mies as elites, the IfS tries to speak in the name of ʼthe peopleʼ. At the same time, it is elitist argues even for a right-wing elite. In pointing out this paradoxical construction, it becomes clear that the framing of right-wing actors should not be confused with the actual reality. Notably, the IfSʼs discursive strategy reflects a metapolitical or hegemony theoretical approach that is paradigmatic for the New Right. Keywords: New Right, Institut für Staatspolitik, Framing Analysis, Elite, Metapolitics, Hegemony
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Civil Rights and Political Realignment: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (Robert E. Gilbert)
During his presidency, John F. Kennedy emerged as a powerful force for change in the area of equal rights for the nationʼs black population. In addition to the major civil rights legislation that he pro posed and that Congress ultimately enacted, Kennedy served as the nationʼs teacher, trying to awaken in citizens a sense of understanding and fair-mindedness. He referred publicly to civil rights as a “national crisis of great dimensions,” and then worked hard in trying to resolve that crisis in a positive and peaceful way. However, the civil rights activities of both John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson contributed immeas-urably to a powerful and enduring political realignment in the United States. Millions of Democrats, lo-cated heavily in the south, were highly disaffected by Kennedyʼs and Johnsonʼs activism in civil rights. Many moved out of the Democratic Party and then into the Republican Party after flirting in 1968 with the short-lived and overtly racist American Independent Party. Today, more than fifty years later, the south remains strongly Republican. Keywords: Civil rights, John F. Kennedy presidency, Southern United States, Republican Party
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Metaphors in Daesh Propaganda: A Spark Lit in Iraq to Burn the Whole Globe (Onur Sultan and Christʼl De Landtsheer)
Within massive publications on Daesh propaganda, the function and utility of metaphors is underexplored. The selection of metaphors is an act of meaning creation and they reflect a shared cognitive universe among in-groups. The qualitative study at hand analyzes official media output of Daesh in four 1-week periods, each starting after a landmark event with approximately one year intervals between them (2014-2017). The selected periods can be described as times of “glory”, “victory”, “loss” and “collapse”, respectively, for Daesh. Through analysis of 31 propaganda items in English and Arabic, 778 metaphors have been coded to provide insight about the cognitive universe shaped and shared by Daesh media. The results support our hypothesis that Daesh shows skill in adjusting selection of metaphors, verbal or visual, in support of seasonal communication priorities. Moreover, the metaphors listed in the article have poten-tial to become an important tool for professionals formulating counter-narratives, providing them a cata-logue of source domains to draw on to counter Daesh messages together with their cognitive roots. Keywords: Metaphor, cognitive schemata, Daesh, propaganda, Islamic State
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Expression of political views by school teachers: Teachersʼ and parentsʼ perspectives and mindsets regarding the real and the ideal (Sara Zamir and Heidi Flavian)
The current study examines the perspectives and mindsets of Israeli teachers and parents per-taining to political participation and expression of political opinions by Israeli teachers. For that purpose, qualitative methodology was applied. The main findings showed that about one fifth of the teachers and less than a third of the parents could not even name a relevant restriction concerning political participation and expression of teachers. On the other hand, a vast majority of the teachers can indeed recognize the differences between political education and party education. Keywords: political socialization; democracy education; political limitations on teaching staff; teachersʼ training
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Economic evaluations and political support: Repeated micro-analyses in the Netherlands, 2008-2020 (Paul Dekker)
How important is the evaluation of peopleʼs personal economic situation and the economic situation of the country in which they live in explaining differences in political support? And how stable are the effects over time and between different groups? This chapter addresses these questions using anal-yses of data drawn from fifty surveys carried out for the Dutch ‘Citizensʼ Outlooks Barometerʼ (COB) over the period 2008-2020, from before the financial crisis until the start of de coronavirus crisis. It tran-spires that (macroeconomic) ‘sociotropicʼ considerations are more important than (personal financial) ‘egotropicʼ aspects over the entire period and for both higher and lower-educated segments of the popula-tion. Evaluations of the present situation appear to be more important than expectations. Some evidence is found that negative evaluations have a bigger impact than positive evaluations. Suggestions are put for-ward for further research to explain fluctuations in the importance of financial and economic evaluations in explaining differences in political support. Keywords: political support, The Netherlands 2008-2020, personal economic situation, ‘egotropic’, ‘sociotropic’
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PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization
2019-2020: Free Contributions

Articles No. 1, 2019
Simon Clemens: Metapolitics and Cultural Hegemony: The Concept of the Elite in the Discourse of the New Right Institut für Staatspolitik
Robert E. Gilbert: Civil Rights and Political Realignment: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy
Onur Sultan / Christʼl De Landtsheer: Metaphors in Daesh Propaganda: A Spark Lit in Iraq to Burn the Whole Globe

Book review
Gennard Stulens: The feeling, thinking citizen: Essays in honor of Milton Lodge. By Howard Lavine & Charles S. Taber (2018)

Articles No. 2, 2020
Sara Zamir / Heidi Flavian: Expression of political views by school teachers: Teachersʼ and parentsʼ perspectives and mindsets regarding the real and the ideal
Paul Dekker: Economic evaluations and political support: Repeated micro-analyses in the Netherlands, 2008-2020

Research Note
Daniel B. German: The State of America III – 2020: Political and Cultural Polarization in the United States Resulting from Discontinuous Socialization

Book reviews
Lisa Brugge: Why Weʼre Polarized. By Ezra Klein (2020)
Xanne Zellenrath: Black and White Thinking: the burden of a binary brain in a complex world. By Kevin Dutton (2020)

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Extracts / Leseproben


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10.+11. Jahrgang 2019-2020






124 Seiten




17 x 24 cm




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Metapolitics and Cultural Hegemony: The Concept of the Elite in the Discourse of the New Right Institut für Staatspolitik (Simon Clemens)
Most research on right-wing populism focuses on the construction of ʼthe peopleʼ. Conversely, I ask how the other side of the populist conflict line – ʼthe eliteʼ – is discursively constructed. To this end,, I examine the debates of the far-right Institut für Staatspolitik (IfS) using Robert Entmanʼs framing analy-sis. Subsequently, I contextualize the results within the elite discourse of the German New Right. Summing up the results, the IfS states that starting from the student protests in the 1960s and 1970s the elite has become leftist or ʼmulticulturalistʼ. Through the eliteʼs hegemony in the media, it exerts a pressure of conformity. While the IfS constructs the elite negatively, it is not anti-elite. By labeling its political ene-mies as elites, the IfS tries to speak in the name of ʼthe peopleʼ. At the same time, it is elitist argues even for a right-wing elite. In pointing out this paradoxical construction, it becomes clear that the framing of right-wing actors should not be confused with the actual reality. Notably, the IfSʼs discursive strategy reflects a metapolitical or hegemony theoretical approach that is paradigmatic for the New Right. Keywords: New Right, Institut für Staatspolitik, Framing Analysis, Elite, Metapolitics, Hegemony
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Civil Rights and Political Realignment: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (Robert E. Gilbert)
During his presidency, John F. Kennedy emerged as a powerful force for change in the area of equal rights for the nationʼs black population. In addition to the major civil rights legislation that he pro posed and that Congress ultimately enacted, Kennedy served as the nationʼs teacher, trying to awaken in citizens a sense of understanding and fair-mindedness. He referred publicly to civil rights as a “national crisis of great dimensions,” and then worked hard in trying to resolve that crisis in a positive and peaceful way. However, the civil rights activities of both John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson contributed immeas-urably to a powerful and enduring political realignment in the United States. Millions of Democrats, lo-cated heavily in the south, were highly disaffected by Kennedyʼs and Johnsonʼs activism in civil rights. Many moved out of the Democratic Party and then into the Republican Party after flirting in 1968 with the short-lived and overtly racist American Independent Party. Today, more than fifty years later, the south remains strongly Republican. Keywords: Civil rights, John F. Kennedy presidency, Southern United States, Republican Party
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Metaphors in Daesh Propaganda: A Spark Lit in Iraq to Burn the Whole Globe (Onur Sultan and Christʼl De Landtsheer)
Within massive publications on Daesh propaganda, the function and utility of metaphors is underexplored. The selection of metaphors is an act of meaning creation and they reflect a shared cognitive universe among in-groups. The qualitative study at hand analyzes official media output of Daesh in four 1-week periods, each starting after a landmark event with approximately one year intervals between them (2014-2017). The selected periods can be described as times of “glory”, “victory”, “loss” and “collapse”, respectively, for Daesh. Through analysis of 31 propaganda items in English and Arabic, 778 metaphors have been coded to provide insight about the cognitive universe shaped and shared by Daesh media. The results support our hypothesis that Daesh shows skill in adjusting selection of metaphors, verbal or visual, in support of seasonal communication priorities. Moreover, the metaphors listed in the article have poten-tial to become an important tool for professionals formulating counter-narratives, providing them a cata-logue of source domains to draw on to counter Daesh messages together with their cognitive roots. Keywords: Metaphor, cognitive schemata, Daesh, propaganda, Islamic State
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Expression of political views by school teachers: Teachersʼ and parentsʼ perspectives and mindsets regarding the real and the ideal (Sara Zamir and Heidi Flavian)
The current study examines the perspectives and mindsets of Israeli teachers and parents per-taining to political participation and expression of political opinions by Israeli teachers. For that purpose, qualitative methodology was applied. The main findings showed that about one fifth of the teachers and less than a third of the parents could not even name a relevant restriction concerning political participation and expression of teachers. On the other hand, a vast majority of the teachers can indeed recognize the differences between political education and party education. Keywords: political socialization; democracy education; political limitations on teaching staff; teachersʼ training
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Economic evaluations and political support: Repeated micro-analyses in the Netherlands, 2008-2020 (Paul Dekker)
How important is the evaluation of peopleʼs personal economic situation and the economic situation of the country in which they live in explaining differences in political support? And how stable are the effects over time and between different groups? This chapter addresses these questions using anal-yses of data drawn from fifty surveys carried out for the Dutch ‘Citizensʼ Outlooks Barometerʼ (COB) over the period 2008-2020, from before the financial crisis until the start of de coronavirus crisis. It tran-spires that (macroeconomic) ‘sociotropicʼ considerations are more important than (personal financial) ‘egotropicʼ aspects over the entire period and for both higher and lower-educated segments of the popula-tion. Evaluations of the present situation appear to be more important than expectations. Some evidence is found that negative evaluations have a bigger impact than positive evaluations. Suggestions are put for-ward for further research to explain fluctuations in the importance of financial and economic evaluations in explaining differences in political support. Keywords: political support, The Netherlands 2008-2020, personal economic situation, ‘egotropic’, ‘sociotropic’
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)



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