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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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    Public Childcare Provision and Fertility Behavior

    The author investigates the relationship between the availability of public childcare for children under age three and the decision to have a first child. One would expect that childcare reconciles work and family and thus positively affects childbearing. However, existing research results on this relationship are inconsistent.   Based on individual level datasets for Germany and Sweden, the author analyzes two research questions. First, she focuses on who makes use […]
    28,00 €

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    The End of Welfare as We Know It?

    Open Access: The book The End of Welfare as We Know It? is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740075), which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): / Der Titel The End of Welfare as We Know It? Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century (DOI: 10.3224/84740075) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder […]
    19,90 €
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    Participatory Democratic Innovations in Europe

      Representative democracy is often seen as a stable institutional system insusceptible to change. However, the preferences of the broad public are changing and representative, group based democracy has lost importance. This development made it necessary to change established ways of decision making and to introduce participatory democratic innovations. Many national and sub-national governments followed this route and implemented various kinds of participatory innovations, i.e. the inclusion of citizens into […]
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    Open Access

    IJREE 1-2013 | National Research Reports (Part I)

    IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education 1-2013: National Research Reports (Part I) Main Topic Manuela du Bois-Reymond: Extended Education in the Netherlands Marianne Schüpbach / Benjamin von Allmen: Swiss National Report on Research on Extended Education Ludwig Stecher / Sabine Maschke: Research on Extended Education in Germany – A General Model with All-day Schooling and Private Tutoring as Two Examples Sang Hoon Bae / Sue Bin Jeon: […]
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    Open Access

    The Hybridization of Vocational Training and Higher Education in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

    Open Access: This is an open access title which is free to download or can be bought as paperback./ Dies ist ein Open Access-Titel, den Sie kostenlos herunterladen oder als Printausgabe bestellen können.   Austria, Germany, and Switzerland are increasingly relying on hybridization at the nexus of vocational training and higher education to increase permeability and reform their highly praised systems of collective skill formation. This historical and organizational institutionalist […]
    29,90 €
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    INSEP 1-2013 | Free Contributions

    INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics 1-2013: Free Contributions Articles Tom Claes / Paul Reynolds: Why Sexual Ethics and Politics? Why Now? An Introduction to the Journal Allison Moore: An Eliasian Perspective on the Intentional Actions and Unintended Consequences of the Criminalisation of ‘Extreme Pornography’ Nina Peršak: Criminalisation of Clients and the New Moralism: What’s Harm Got to Do With It? Jan De Vos: […]
    ab 33,00 €

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1-2013 | Russian Politics: Leaders, Citizens’ Attitudes and Political Socialization

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1-2013: Russian Politics: Leaders, Citizens’ Attitudes and Political Socialization Articles Igor Yu. Kiselev / Anna G. Smirnova: Deprivation of Needs as the Mechanism in the Formation of the Protest Political Moods Olga Bukreeva: Perception of Russian political power and political leaders in the conceptual area of demotivational posters Tatiana Samsonova: Civic Education for the 21st Century: Russia and the USA Olga Mitina / Victor […]
    ab 42,00 €

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    Transitions in Vocational Education

    This volume focuses on the different passages and transitions in Vocational Education and professional work life. Exploring the personal experiences of coping with the transition from school to vocational education, vocational education to work, and – finally – within work life, the book takes account of the rapidly changing conditions under which these processes take place. Table of Contents   The Editors: Prof Dr Jürgen Seifried, Professor for Business and […]
    39,90 €

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    Controlling Corruption in Europe

    Corruption has an impact. It is about time that anticorruption starts having an impact, too.   This is the first annual policy report of the European Seventh Framework Research Project ANTICORRP, which has started in 2012 and will continue until 2018. Based on the work of 21 different research centers and universities gathering original data, ANTICORRP offers yearly updates on the latest from corruption research, analyzing both the consequences of […]
    19,90 €

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    Gender Studies

    Motivation – The Gender Perspective of Young People’s Images of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET)

    The authors discuss individual and societal factors which influence the gender biased image of science, engineering and technology (SET) prevalent in young people. From different angles the authors investigate the consequences of this often unattractive but also partly obsolete image for gendered study and occupational choices of girls and boys. Besides peers, school and media as main influencing socialisation instances the contributions focus on young people’s selfconcept regarding the development […]
    36,00 €

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    Principles of Distributive Justice

    There is constant debate around the questions of what constitutes the ‚just‘ distribution of goods and how we can assess existing distribution patterns. Some commentators mistakenly believe that there can be one simple, all-encompassing governing principle that automatically yields the ‚fairest‘ results. In this book Grzegorz Lissowski argues that three types of principles need to be distinguished according to three requirements of justice: equality, impartiality, and unanimity. The principle of […]
    59,90 €

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    Multilateralism and Multipolarity

    The international system is undergoing a fundamental change from unipolarity to multipolarity and is facing a growing importance of Asia in world politics. In order to build Global Governance for the 21st century the multipolar state-system must be complemented and linked with structures of multilateral cooperation. Table of Contents   The Editor: Prof. Dr. Michael Staack, Helmut Schmidt University /University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany   Download for […]
    7,90 €

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    Gender Studies

    Daphne and the Centaurs – Overcoming Gender Based Violence

    The authors of this volume look into the origins of gender based violence as well as ways to tackle this issue. They link systematic reflections unfolding a socio-cultural viewpoint and depictions of concrete action with psychological tools regarding the effect of interventions. The book is a result of the European project “Empower”, which is part of the Daphne III Programme (2007-2013) with the objective of realizing the principles defined by […]
    29,90 €

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    Motherhood in Patriarchy

    „Motherhood in Patriarchy“ pioneers the argument that the current Western understanding of motherhood is a patriarchal one based on a long historical tradition of subjection and institutionalization. The book makes an important contribution to women’s studies on reproduction, feminist theory, motherhood and welfare politics, and offers alternative perspectives.   From the Contents: Patriarchal Motherhood Mothers in Feminist Political Theory and Philosophy Matriarchy as Maternal Order Historic Transformations of Birth and […]
    36,00 €

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    International Relations

    Open Access: The book International Relations is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740005), which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): / Der Titel International Relations (DOI: 10.3224/84740005) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): The […]
    24,90 €
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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1+2-2012 | Is Socialization into Democratic Politics a Matter of Psychology, Education, or Communication?

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1-2012: Is Socialization into Democratic Politics a Matter of Psychology, Education, or Communication? Articles Arie Geronik: Early Childhood Socialization and Its Influence on Political Decision-Making in Adulthood: The Cases of Moshe Dayan and Other Israeli Leaders, Moving from the Military to the Political Arena Mihály Csákó: Family Memory and Historical Socialization Henk Dekker / Frits Meijerink: Political Cynicism: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Explanation Wojciech Ziętara: […]
    ab 84,00 €

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