Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
Politische Bildung
Soziale Arbeit
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Unsere englischen Publikationen

Kategorie: Unsere englischen Publikationen

  • Unsere englischen Publikationen

    Principles of Distributive Justice

    There is constant debate around the questions of what constitutes the ‚just‘ distribution of goods and how we can assess existing distribution patterns. Some commentators mistakenly believe that there can be one simple, all-encompassing governing principle that automatically yields the ‚fairest‘ results. In this book Grzegorz Lissowski argues that three types of principles need to be distinguished according to three requirements of justice: equality, impartiality, and unanimity. The principle of […]
    59,90 €

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  • Politik

    Multilateralism and Multipolarity

    The international system is undergoing a fundamental change from unipolarity to multipolarity and is facing a growing importance of Asia in world politics. In order to build Global Governance for the 21st century the multipolar state-system must be complemented and linked with structures of multilateral cooperation. Table of Contents   The Editor: Prof. Dr. Michael Staack, Helmut Schmidt University /University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany   Download for […]
    7,90 €

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  • Gender Studies

    Daphne and the Centaurs – Overcoming Gender Based Violence

    The authors of this volume look into the origins of gender based violence as well as ways to tackle this issue. They link systematic reflections unfolding a socio-cultural viewpoint and depictions of concrete action with psychological tools regarding the effect of interventions. The book is a result of the European project “Empower”, which is part of the Daphne III Programme (2007-2013) with the objective of realizing the principles defined by […]
    29,90 €

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  • Gesellschaft

    Motherhood in Patriarchy

    „Motherhood in Patriarchy“ pioneers the argument that the current Western understanding of motherhood is a patriarchal one based on a long historical tradition of subjection and institutionalization. The book makes an important contribution to women’s studies on reproduction, feminist theory, motherhood and welfare politics, and offers alternative perspectives.   From the Contents: Patriarchal Motherhood Mothers in Feminist Political Theory and Philosophy Matriarchy as Maternal Order Historic Transformations of Birth and […]
    36,00 €

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  • Politik

    International Relations

    Open Access: The book International Relations is an Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/84740005), which is free to download or can be bought as paperback. The book holds a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): / Der Titel International Relations (DOI: 10.3224/84740005) ist kostenlos im Open Access (PDF) herunterladbar oder kostenpflichtig als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich. Der Titel steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): The […]
    24,90 €
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  • Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 1+2-2012 | Is Socialization into Democratic Politics a Matter of Psychology, Education, or Communication?

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 1-2012: Is Socialization into Democratic Politics a Matter of Psychology, Education, or Communication? Articles Arie Geronik: Early Childhood Socialization and Its Influence on Political Decision-Making in Adulthood: The Cases of Moshe Dayan and Other Israeli Leaders, Moving from the Military to the Political Arena Mihály Csákó: Family Memory and Historical Socialization Henk Dekker / Frits Meijerink: Political Cynicism: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Explanation Wojciech Ziętara: […]
    ab 84,00 €

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  • Politik

    Innovating Teaching and Learning

    The book brings together unique teaching experiences of young researchers innovating their teaching and student learning and enhancing student engagement. Their teaching innovations serve as a valuable source of inspiration for other young teachers who face similar pedagogic problems.   The Editors: Dr Ludmila Adamová, assistant professor for English and American Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Slovakia Petra Muráriková, Department of General and Applied Ethics, Constantine the Philosopher University […]
    9,90 €

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  • Gesellschaft

    Between Security Markets and Protection Rackets

    Security is a social practice, which constitutes different formations of political order. Developing a political economy of security practice, the author distinguishes these formations with a view to the actual exchanges between various providers and receivers of security services. He thus departs from a popular perspective in political science, which charts ongoing transformations in the global security landscape along a series of categorical divisions between state and non-state or between […]
    36,00 €

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  • Erziehung

    Extended Education – an International Perspective

    The institutions and processes concerning out-of-school education are of ever growing importance. The scale of both public and private offers are steadily increasing, therefore individuals and families find more and more ways to satisfy their educational and training needs. This timely volume assesses the current impact and future of out-of-school education with case studies from eight different countries.   From the Contents: Ludwig Stecher and Sabine Maschke, “Out-of-school education” – […]
    29,90 €

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  • Soziale Arbeit

    Enhancing Capabilities

    The volume suggests a capability perspective for evaluating welfare and educational policies. Capabilities are conceptualized as people’s freedom to choose and conduct a life they have reason to value. The contributions analyze what social institutions – in particular in the field of education and welfare – may provide in order to enhance capabilities in particular for most vulnerable people.   The capabilities approach to social justice does not primarily outline […]
    29,90 €

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  • Politik

    Studying ‘Effectiveness’ in International Relations

    The question of how effective political tools actually are is among the most hotly debated in contemporary IR theory. There is no unanimity how to even measure the effectiveness and impact different political measures produce. This book comprehensively introduces social science students and scholars to the various fields of effectiveness and impact research in the study of international relations.  Understandings of effectiveness and impact of political measures and tools in […]
    33,00 €

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  • Politik

    (Why) Do Neighbours Cooperate?

    Negotiations in the European Union Council of Ministers are not only taking place within formal decision-making structures. Member states strive to find allies and coordinate their positions prior to formal negotiation meetings. They either create ad hoc coalitions to pool voting power or cooperate within more durable, institutionalised coalitions that traditionally form due to geographical proximity or among like-minded member states as task-specific coalitions on particular issues. Institutionalised coalitions bestow […]
    29,90 €

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  • Politik

    The European Union – A Global Actor?

    Is the European Union a unified actor in world politics? The world’s leading economic power is still struggling to find its role in shaping and maintaining global peace, free trade and commerce. How successful is the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy and its institutions really? This book analyses the European Union’s common institutions and procedures and critically discusses its ability to pursue its vital interests as a unified actor […]
    48,00 €

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  • Erziehung

    Girls’ education in Bangladesh

    Over the last two decades Bangladesh has made impressive progress in expanding access to education. Primary school enrolments have increased significantly and the gender gap has been eliminated at primary and lower secondary levels. Despite these achievements many challenges persist. High dropout and repetition rates, poor quality of education and prevailing inequalities are the major causes for concern. A growing number of NGOs engage in ‘non-formal’ education addressed to poor […]
    19,90 €

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  • Unsere englischen Publikationen

    PCS 4-2011 | Free Contributions

    PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 4-2011: Free Contributions Article Song Yingfa: Research on Political Socialization in China since 1982: Literature Review Sebastian Jäckle / Rafael Bauschke: Comparing socialization, cultural and individual level effects on attitudes towards nuclear energy – A multilevel analysis of 27 European countries Louk Hagendoorn / Edwin Poppe: Consistency of Tolerance, Public Opinion on Immigrants in the Netherlands at the Turn of the Millennium Sophia Sohl: […]
    ab 42,00 €

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  • Politik

    Youth Policy in a Changing World

    Why are youth policies necessary? What can theory and research in the field of youth studies bring to policy thinking, as well as to concrete policy and programme development for young people? International in scope, this book presents an in-depth and crosssector reflection on youth policy, in terms of theory, practice and emerging trends and issues affecting young people’s lives in Latin America, Europe, Asia and North America.  On this […]
    36,00 €

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