Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Studies
Politische Bildung
Soziale Arbeit
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Unsere englischen Publikationen

Kategorie: Unsere englischen Publikationen

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    Soziale Arbeit

    Social Care under State Socialism (1945-1989)

    In discourses on 'Social Care under State Socialism' we find the prejudice that social work as a professional discipline was abolished to the largest extent. Another prejudice indicates that any existence of a social care system was fundamentally instructed by 'Moscow' and performed in a totally standardized way. However, recent research results show that these images do not correspond to the actual welfare structure behind the 'iron curtain'. The refusal […]
    28,00 €

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    Scientific Advice to Policy Making

    Are there connections between the structures of political systems and types of scientific advice to policymaking? This volume unites case studies from the Netherlands, France, the European Union and the USA that provide an overview of different institutional arrangements, focusing on issues such as the independence and balance of advice. Common to all is the question which forms of advice can increase the rationality of policymaking without loss of political […]
    16,90 €

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    Soziale Arbeit

    Evidence-based Practice – Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work?

    The quest to create an evidence-based Social Work practice is emerging strongly in different fields of Social Work and social policy. In this volume internationally renowned proponents and opponents of this approach deliver profound analyses of the meaning and implications of an evidence based perspective which clearly challenges the nature of the knowledge base of the established Social Work practice and apparently reevaluates and reshapes the character of welfare professionalism.
    26,00 €

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    Mobile Living Across Europe I

    Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in Europe. But how mobile are the Europeans? What are the consequences of professional mobility for quality of life, family life and social relationships? For the first time these questions are analysed on the basis of the findings of a large-scale European survey. The contributions in Volume 1 are directed at the diversity and the extent of mobility in six European […]
    34,90 €

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    Soziale Arbeit

    Amid Social Contradictions

    Zwischen Sozialer Arbeit und Politik bestehen seit jeher Wechselwirkungen, Abhängigkeiten und Abgrenzungen. Die historischen Forschungen in verschiedenen Ländern Europas zeigen, dass die eindeutige Orientierung der Sozialen Arbeit an sozialstaatlichen Anliegen nur einen möglichen Rahmen der Sozialen Arbeit darstellt. Alternative Wege, regionale Initiativen oder internationale Verbindungen, die gegenüber politischen Systemen Distanz zeigten und Eigenständigkeit oder sogar Widerstand für sich in Anspruch nahmen, differenzieren das bisher weit verbreitete Bild einer vorwiegend und […]
    26,00 €

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    For some years now, European citizens and politicians have increasingly sceptical views towards the European Union. The contributions of the book examine the degree of Euroscepticism in the different member states and detect possible sources for Euroscepticism. On this basis the perspectives for the development of the European Union can be discussed.
    29,90 €

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    Soziale Arbeit

    Youth Transitions

    What will become of today’s young people in Australia, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America? Will they be supportive of the world they live in? Or are they doomed to be criminal drop-outs? The authors investigate to which extent different and contradictory trends of social modernisation and economic progress determine the biographical development and social integration of young people in different countries and world regions. Thus, the authors look […]
    36,00 €

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    Unsere englischen Publikationen

    Political Elites in East Central Europe

    This monograph is a major survey of East Central European (ECE) political elites and concentrates on Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is grounded within classic elite theory slightly adapted to ECE necessities. More practically, the book examines political elite composition and identifies political elite fragmentation in ECE. The author questions that East Central European political elites have incorporated democratic values and conduct. The main argument is that there […]
    24,90 €

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    Soziale Arbeit

    Community Development – A European Challenge

    Im Rahmen des Leonardo da Vinci Project “Community Care – A Strategy for Social Inclusion” diskutiert die vorliegende Publikation Gemeinwesenarbeit in ihrer historischen Entwicklung, ihrem aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und ihren theoretischen Konzepten sowie praktischen Bezügen aus der Perspektive von acht west- und osteuropäischen Ländern (Belgien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Litauen, Rumänien, Ungarn, Spanien und Schweden). Die beteiligten Länder unterscheiden sich deutlich hinsichtlich ihrer politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Kultur, ihrer universitären Ausbildungsprogramme und ihren […]
    29,90 €

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    Strategies for Peace

    The state of the art of international research in the field provides the backdrop for this volume. How can enduring and sustainable peace be secured? International experts give enlightening insights. Der englischsprachige Sammelband ist ein Beitrag zur Forschungsdiskussion über die Möglichkeiten und Strategien, stabile und dauerhafte Friedensordnungen nach der Beendigung von Gewaltkonflikten zu errichten. Im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im internationalen System setzen sich international renommierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen mit der Frage […]
    28,00 €

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    Migration and mobility in an enlarged Europe

    The book investigates transnational migration and mobility of women from and within Central-Eastern European countries. It combines different perspectives: sociological and anthropological studies, comparative policy analysis and historical and statistical evidence and provides new insights into current theoretical debates in migration and gender studies. Das Buch untersucht internationale Moblität und Migration von Frauen im Mittelosteuropa. Insbesondere rückt die Diskussion um die "Neuen Dienstmädchen" in den Mittelpunkt und die damit verbundene […]
    29,90 €

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    Teaching Theory and Academic Writing

    The volume is written for young researchers who are teaching at undergraduate level are interested in further developing their teaching skills and publishing record. The authors of the book have compiled a volume that is rich in experience and presents innovative methods to modern teaching in political science. The book follows a practice-oriented approach in teaching and assists the reader with inspiration and concrete examples when designing courses that are […]
    16,90 €

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    City and Region

    This book deals with the development of cities and regions in times of decisive transformation in Europe throughout these past twenty years. In the Western parts of Europe cities and regions were challenged from the outside by globalisation and by technological and demographic change from the inside. On top of that the Eastern parts were confronted with deep restructuring processes enforced by the transition from socialist to capitalistic structures. By […]
    39,90 €

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    Gender Politics and Democracy in post-socialist Europe

    Utilising the concept of political representation, the book scrutinises women’s legislative presence and highlights the opportunities and obstacles to parity democracy in this region of Europe. The book examines the link bet­ween women’s membership of national parliaments and the substantive representation of gender interests. Der englischsprachige Band untersucht Gender-Politik und Demokratieentwicklung in den postkommunistischen Staaten in Europa. Grundlage ist eine groß angelegte aktuelle Untersuchung unter der Federführung von Yvonne Galligan […]
    19,90 €

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    Formal Institutions and Informal Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

    Der Band untersucht das Zusammenspiel von formalen Institutionen und informellen Mechanismen der Politik in Mittel- und Osteuropa in den Transformationsprozessen von 1989 bis 2005: Wie wurde und wird in postkommunistischen Systemen tatsächlich Politik gemacht? Wie beeinflussen informelle Prozesse innerhalb und jenseits der formalen staatlichen Institutionen die Verteilung der Macht und die Entscheidungsprozesse der politischen Elite? Welche Elemente sind nur vorübergehende, welche eher dauerhafte Erscheinungen in Ungarn, Polen, Russland und der […]
    29,90 €

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