Around the world, teaching civics is our most practical tool for learning about democracy. In Germany, the art of civics education is constantly being reconsidered and revised, in part because of the country’s history and the widespread awareness in German society of the dangers posed by education failing to do its job. The aim of this book is to provide educators with a varied and theoretically robust repertoire of professional strategies that are grounded in the social sciences.
The ability of teachers to reflect critically on the meaning and logic of the subject matter they teach and the ways in which their students learn is just as important as their educational experience. This kind of professionalism enables teachers to be imaginative in everyday situations and to deal constructively with challenges arising in the classroom. This handbook can and should be used and responded to in ways that are as diverse as its readers. Readers are invited to make their own choices about how to integrate these matters into their teaching and learning experiences. Many of the examples presented in the book derive from the author’s own teaching experience at universites.
The Author:
Prof. em. Dr. Sibylle Reinhardt, Professor emeritus for Didactics of Civics at the Institute of Political Sciences, Martin-Luther-University, Halle (Saale), Germany
Download for free: publicity leaflet (pdf)
Target groups: Students and teachers of Civics, practitioners in the field of democratic learning
Keywords: democratic learning; citizenship; teacher education
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