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ISSN: 2196-3673

IJREE 2-2017 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 2196-3673


IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education
2-2017: Free Contributions

General Contributions
Anna Klerfelt: To author yourself: Teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres describe their professional identity
Marie Fahlén: Freedom of religion and secular education: Teachers define the meaning of religious freedom in everyday school practice
David Thore Gravesen / Lea Ringskou: On the move from pedagogy to timeagogy? Or how time constitutes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisure-time Center
Atara Sivan / Gertrude Po Kwan Siu: Extended Education for Academic Performance, Whole Person Development and Self-fulfilment: The case of Hong Kong
Björn Haglund / Louise Peterson: Why use board games in leisure-time centres? Prominent staff discourses and described subject positions when playing with children

Developments in the Field of Extended Education
Charles Underwood / Mara Welsh Mahmood: University-Community Links: A Collaborative Strategy for Supporting Extended Education
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir / Steingerður Kristjánsdóttir: Leisure-time centres for 6–9 year old children in Iceland; policies, practices and challenges
Thomas Akiva / Kevin Crowley / Jennifer Lin Russel / Marijke Hecht: Leadership in Out-of-School Learning: The Educational Doctorate Program at the University of Pittsburgh

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5. Jahrgang 2017



Date of publication







17 x 24 cm


Open Access-Lizenz



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authoring, board games, children, Denmark, discourse analysis, educational doctorate program, extended education, freedom of religion, Hong Kong, human rights, Iceland, leisure-time center, out-of-school learning, pedagogy, primary school, professional identity, religious freedom, school-age educare centres, secular education, serious leisure, subject positions, Sweden, teacher, timeagogy, tutoring, University of Pittsburgh


To author yourself: Teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres describe their professional identity (Anna Klerfelt)
This study aims to construct knowledge about how teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres build on their professional identity by listening to their narratives about their work, their interpretations of their mission and how they apply their intentions. The study takes its point of departure from sociocultural (Vygotsky, 1978) and dialogical (Bakhtin, 1986) perspectives. The analysis starts with Bakhtin’s notion of authoring. The construction of data was carried out in three steps. Firstly, by collecting written narratives from 21 teachers, secondly by oral narratives from ten teachers among the 21 teachers participating in ‘walk-and-talk’ conversations and finally from a commonly created conversation in two focus interviews with eight of the teachers. The results from this study indicate that there is a commonly shared general discourse unifying the professional identity of the teacher in school-age educare centres. Keywords: professional identity, school-age educare teacher, sociocultural and dialogical perspectives, narratives, authoring
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Freedom of religion and secular education: Teachers define the meaning of religious freedom in everyday school practice (Marie Fahlén)
Questions about freedom of religion versus secular values have increased as a controversial topic in European public debate during the last decades. The aim of this article is to shed light on these issues by focusing on the definition of “freedom of religion as a human right” among teachers working with younger pupils in the Swedish school system. From a holistic perspective on religion and children’s education, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with teachers working in primary school, as well as teachers in the leisure-time center, examined through discourse analysis. This study provides insights into how two different groups of teachers interpret and apply these potentially conflicting values in everyday school practice. At the end of the article, I reflect upon the consequences of the Swedish, secular and individualistic values that were dominant in the teachers understanding of freedom of religion, in relation to the challenges of a multi-religious school and society. Keywords: Freedom of religion; human rights; primary school; leisure-time center; discourse analysis
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On the move from pedagogy to timeagogy? Or how time constitutes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisure-time Center (David Thore Gravesen, Lea Ringskou)
This article analyzes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisuretime Center. With a reform in 2014, schooldays are prolonged and hours for leisure-time pedagogy in the afternoons have become fewer. Time pressure and a focus on effectiveness have become crucial, and core pedagogical ideas are seemingly changing. On the basis of qualitative data material and sociological theories our analysis suggests a new concept: timeagogy. Timeagogy is a rising phenomenon deriving from the tense relationship between societal acceleration and renewed pedagogical demands on the one hand, and the pedagogue’s subjective practices on the other. Keywords: Danish Primary School; Pedagogues; Leisure-time pedagogy; Time; Qualitative research
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Extended Education for Academic Performance, Whole Person Development and Self-fulfilment: The case of Hong Kong (Atara Sivan, Gertrude Po Kwan Siu)
This paper examines the ways in which extended education is manifested in a place where schooling and academic achievement are of primary focus. Over the past few decades, the Hong Kong education system has undergone major reforms that have incorporated various forms of extended education to enhance students’ all-round development. Despite these changes, Hong Kong people continue to put an emphasis on academic excellence resulting in parent-directed activities in a form of private supplementary tutoring. At the same time, extended education is also demonstrated through students’ self-directed engagement in serious leisure activities that contribute to adolescents’ growth. The paper portrays and examines the different activities directed by schools, parents and students within school and out-of-school settings in light of the sociocultural context of Hong Kong. References are made to school based initiatives and studies on outside classroom learning and serious leisure among children and adolescents. Keywords: Hong Kong, Life-Wide Learning, Other Learning Experiences, tutoring, serious leisure
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Why use board games in leisure-time centres? Prominent staff discourses and described subject positions when playing with children (Björn Haglund, Louise Peterson)
Board games are traditionally seen as an important Swedish leisure-time centre activity, but research regarding this activity is sparse. This study aims to fill part of that void through a web survey directed to members in a closed Facebook group focusing on leisure-time centres. Fifty-five informants’ answers were analysed using critical discourse analysis to find why staff at leisure-time centres use board games. The article also discusses the subject positions the staff use when playing board games with the children. The results reveal four prominent discourses, which were termed: supporting social structure, learning social competence, substituting digital games, and learning cognitive abilities. The results also reveal three subject positions while playing board games: developer, supervising judge, and participant. The informants’ discourses regarding their reasons for using board games and the positions the staff settled into while playing board games drew mostly from a social pedagogical arena. However, features that emphasize traditional school related content are also evident. Keywords: board games, leisure-time centres, critical discourse analysis, subject positions, teachers
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IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education
2-2017: Free Contributions

General Contributions
Anna Klerfelt: To author yourself: Teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres describe their professional identity
Marie Fahlén: Freedom of religion and secular education: Teachers define the meaning of religious freedom in everyday school practice
David Thore Gravesen / Lea Ringskou: On the move from pedagogy to timeagogy? Or how time constitutes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisure-time Center
Atara Sivan / Gertrude Po Kwan Siu: Extended Education for Academic Performance, Whole Person Development and Self-fulfilment: The case of Hong Kong
Björn Haglund / Louise Peterson: Why use board games in leisure-time centres? Prominent staff discourses and described subject positions when playing with children

Developments in the Field of Extended Education
Charles Underwood / Mara Welsh Mahmood: University-Community Links: A Collaborative Strategy for Supporting Extended Education
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir / Steingerður Kristjánsdóttir: Leisure-time centres for 6–9 year old children in Iceland; policies, practices and challenges
Thomas Akiva / Kevin Crowley / Jennifer Lin Russel / Marijke Hecht: Leadership in Out-of-School Learning: The Educational Doctorate Program at the University of Pittsburgh

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5. Jahrgang 2017



Date of publication







17 x 24 cm


Open Access-Lizenz



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To author yourself: Teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres describe their professional identity (Anna Klerfelt)
This study aims to construct knowledge about how teachers in Swedish school-age educare centres build on their professional identity by listening to their narratives about their work, their interpretations of their mission and how they apply their intentions. The study takes its point of departure from sociocultural (Vygotsky, 1978) and dialogical (Bakhtin, 1986) perspectives. The analysis starts with Bakhtin’s notion of authoring. The construction of data was carried out in three steps. Firstly, by collecting written narratives from 21 teachers, secondly by oral narratives from ten teachers among the 21 teachers participating in ‘walk-and-talk’ conversations and finally from a commonly created conversation in two focus interviews with eight of the teachers. The results from this study indicate that there is a commonly shared general discourse unifying the professional identity of the teacher in school-age educare centres. Keywords: professional identity, school-age educare teacher, sociocultural and dialogical perspectives, narratives, authoring
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Freedom of religion and secular education: Teachers define the meaning of religious freedom in everyday school practice (Marie Fahlén)
Questions about freedom of religion versus secular values have increased as a controversial topic in European public debate during the last decades. The aim of this article is to shed light on these issues by focusing on the definition of “freedom of religion as a human right” among teachers working with younger pupils in the Swedish school system. From a holistic perspective on religion and children’s education, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with teachers working in primary school, as well as teachers in the leisure-time center, examined through discourse analysis. This study provides insights into how two different groups of teachers interpret and apply these potentially conflicting values in everyday school practice. At the end of the article, I reflect upon the consequences of the Swedish, secular and individualistic values that were dominant in the teachers understanding of freedom of religion, in relation to the challenges of a multi-religious school and society. Keywords: Freedom of religion; human rights; primary school; leisure-time center; discourse analysis
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On the move from pedagogy to timeagogy? Or how time constitutes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisure-time Center (David Thore Gravesen, Lea Ringskou)
This article analyzes the work of pedagogues in the Danish Primary School and Leisuretime Center. With a reform in 2014, schooldays are prolonged and hours for leisure-time pedagogy in the afternoons have become fewer. Time pressure and a focus on effectiveness have become crucial, and core pedagogical ideas are seemingly changing. On the basis of qualitative data material and sociological theories our analysis suggests a new concept: timeagogy. Timeagogy is a rising phenomenon deriving from the tense relationship between societal acceleration and renewed pedagogical demands on the one hand, and the pedagogue’s subjective practices on the other. Keywords: Danish Primary School; Pedagogues; Leisure-time pedagogy; Time; Qualitative research
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Extended Education for Academic Performance, Whole Person Development and Self-fulfilment: The case of Hong Kong (Atara Sivan, Gertrude Po Kwan Siu)
This paper examines the ways in which extended education is manifested in a place where schooling and academic achievement are of primary focus. Over the past few decades, the Hong Kong education system has undergone major reforms that have incorporated various forms of extended education to enhance students’ all-round development. Despite these changes, Hong Kong people continue to put an emphasis on academic excellence resulting in parent-directed activities in a form of private supplementary tutoring. At the same time, extended education is also demonstrated through students’ self-directed engagement in serious leisure activities that contribute to adolescents’ growth. The paper portrays and examines the different activities directed by schools, parents and students within school and out-of-school settings in light of the sociocultural context of Hong Kong. References are made to school based initiatives and studies on outside classroom learning and serious leisure among children and adolescents. Keywords: Hong Kong, Life-Wide Learning, Other Learning Experiences, tutoring, serious leisure
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Why use board games in leisure-time centres? Prominent staff discourses and described subject positions when playing with children (Björn Haglund, Louise Peterson)
Board games are traditionally seen as an important Swedish leisure-time centre activity, but research regarding this activity is sparse. This study aims to fill part of that void through a web survey directed to members in a closed Facebook group focusing on leisure-time centres. Fifty-five informants’ answers were analysed using critical discourse analysis to find why staff at leisure-time centres use board games. The article also discusses the subject positions the staff use when playing board games with the children. The results reveal four prominent discourses, which were termed: supporting social structure, learning social competence, substituting digital games, and learning cognitive abilities. The results also reveal three subject positions while playing board games: developer, supervising judge, and participant. The informants’ discourses regarding their reasons for using board games and the positions the staff settled into while playing board games drew mostly from a social pedagogical arena. However, features that emphasize traditional school related content are also evident. Keywords: board games, leisure-time centres, critical discourse analysis, subject positions, teachers
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