The book Political Psychology provides detailed information about the development of the field of political psychology, a subfield of both political science and psychology. It describes the evolution of concepts and theories within political psychology, international influences in the field, current concepts and methodology, and trends that augur for the future of the enterprise.
Political psychology exists as an interdisciplinary subfield of two well-established disciplines; from this position it naturally came to encompass a wide range of components, each uniquely equipped for investigations at the intersection of human psychology and political phenomena. The edited text Political Psychology provides detailed information describing the state of research in this developing field. It reviews the evolution of concepts and theories, international influences, methodology, infrastructure, and trends that augur for the future of the enterprise. Contributors to this volume were chosen for their significant influence in the field of political psychology and their present and past leadership roles in international organizations devoted to the development of the transdiscipline. As a result the volume includes several critical evaluations of research in political psychology as well as suggestions for continued research which will, in an increasingly globalized context, make important contributions through theoretical, methodological, and conceptual breakthroughs at the interdisciplinary nexus of political science and psychology.
From the Contents:
Introduction: Research in Political Psychology at the Dawn of a New Century
The Infrastructure of Political Psychology
Personality Theory in the Analysis of Political Leadership: Trends, Schemas, and Opportunities
The Many Faces of International Political Psychology
Political Psychology and the Study of Foreign Policy Decision Making
Refocusing Political Psychology: The Search for a Twenty-First Century Agenda
Concluding Remarks: Developments and Trends in Political Psychology
The editor:
Linda Shepherd, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, USA.
Das Buch erläutert die Entwicklung der politischen Psychologie, die als Unterdisziplin sowohl der Politikwissenschaft wie auch der Psychologie existiert. Das Buch beschreibt die Theorie- und Konzeptentwicklung innerhalb der politischen Psychologie, internationale Strömungen, aktuelle Ansätze und Methoden und wirft einen Blick auf zukunftsweisende Trends.
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