INSEP – Journal of the International Network for Sexual Ethics & Politics
1-2015: Free Contributions
Alessandro Porrovecchio: Introduction
Alessandro Porrovecchio: Doing sex research: History, methods and ethical criticalities
Christophe Gibout: Social transaction: A relevant paradigm for the sociology of sexuality and gender?
Emma Sheppard: Reflections on methods in research in sex and sexuality with disabled people
Christina Richards: Researching trans people: Ethics through method
Allison Moore: Conducting ethical sexuality research with children and young people: Tensions, ambiguities and contradictions
Gabriele Di Francesco: Researching sexuality and drug addiction
Cirus Rinaldi: The sociologist as cruiser: Masculinities, deviance and sexuality in gay sex work arenas
Paul Reynolds: Between ethics and norms: The problem of normative perceptions of sex and sexuality research
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