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ISSN: 1861-1303

IJAR 2-2020 | Free Contributions

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ISSN: 1861-1303


IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2020: Free Contributions

Danilo Streck: Editorial

Håvard Aaslund / Sissel Seim: ‚The Long and Winding Road’ – Collective Action Among People Experiencing Homelessness
Anh Tu Nguyen: Consistency of Socio-Economic Theory of Organizations and Organizational Innovation: an Example of Customer Complaint Management Strategy
Ariadna Pinto Avilez / Claudio Díaz Larenas: Enhancing English Speaking Skills through Self-Assessment-Based Action Research
Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi / Hersulastuti: How Indonesian Junior High School Students Comprehend the Reading Text? A Digital Media Literacy Utilization

Book Review Essay
Danilo Streck: Community Engagement and Action Research

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Extracts / Leseproben


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16. Jahrgang 2020



Date of publication







17 x 24 cm




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Abductive reasoning, action research, Awareness, collective action, Collective identity, Customer complaint management, digital literacy, digital media, E learning media, English language, Homelessness, Organisational innovation, Reading comprehension skills, Seam, Self organisation, self-assessment, Speaking, Substance use


‘The Long and Winding Road’ — Collective action among people experiencing homelessness (Håvard Aaslund and Sissel Seim)
What possibilities exist for collective action among marginalised people? Through participatory action research (PAR), we study possibilities for collective action among people affected by homelessness and substance use. We describe the process of collective action in a single case, the X-street project, and scrutinise how collective identity can contribute to understandings of collective action. Findings of collective identity in boundary work, consciousness-raising and negotiations suggest that identity work and collective action are closely linked in processes of empowerment and created in mutually reinforcing processes. The case shows that the group succeeded in building a collective action project by simultaneously challenging its members’ public identity and providing them with home and work. More research is needed about the processes of collective action, and the relationship between material change and identity work. Key words: Participatory action research, self-organisation, collective identity, collective action, homelessness, substance use
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Consistency of socio-economic theory of organisations and organisational innovation: An example of customer complaint management strategy (Anh Tu Nguyen)
This present study discusses appropriate selection of research paradigm and research strategy of socio-economic theory of organisations for organisational innovation in general, customer complaint management (CCM) in particular. Ontology and epistemology of socio-economic approach to management (SEAM) methodology, mixed quantitative and qualitative methods are proved to be consistent with the implementation of CCM in small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The research indicates how to produce and generalise theoretical and practical knowledge through abductive reasoning and early-versus-latter-stage research design for a pragmatic-oriented action research. The conceptual model highlights that CCM can positively and simultaneously impact technical innovation, economic performance and social performance. One more interesting result is that economic performance can positively affect social performance. The research process includes two five-step action plans in the early stage and empirical study in latter stage. The two five-step action plans (2015-2016 and 2017-2018) analyse customer complaints, explore the causes of customer complaints from employees’ viewpoints, put forward action plans, implement action plans and evaluate organisational performance. The empirical study applies structure equation modeling, to test whether technical innovation mediates the relationship between CCM and organisational performance. Keywords: Action research, Customer complaint management, SEAM, organisational innovation, abductive reasoning
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Enhancing English Speaking Skills through Self-Assessment-Based Action Research (Ariadna Pinto Avilez and Claudio Díaz Larenas)
This paper presents an action research study conducted in an English communicative course at a Chilean university. This investigation aimed to improve university students‘ speaking skills through the self-assessment methodology. The intervention was held during four weeks, in which participants were exposed to English through task-based lessons that required their systematic self-assessment to develop their speaking skills. With the use of an analytic rubric to measure whether or not there was improvement in pre and post oral interviews, a learning journal and a focus group interview, findings showed that there was a positive change in their speaking performances, and learners appreciated this methodology as a way to improve their academic results. Key words: self-assessment, awareness, speaking, English language, action research
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How Indonesian Junior High School Students Comprehend the Reading Text? A Digital Media Literacy Utilisation (Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi and Hersulastuti)
Digital media is currently very familiar with the students’daily activities. However, as one of school policies, most Junior High Schools in Klaten, including SMPN 5 Klaten, prohibit their students from using digital media, specifically Smartphones, in the learning process. The objective of this present study was to describe the improvement of students’ ability in comprehending the reading text through digital media literacy. This research applied Classroom Action Research with its cycles. Each cycle was executed through sets of activities consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. By involving the eighth graders of SMPN 5 in Klaten, tests, observations, interviews, and document studies were used to obtain the data, and the data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The results showed that the use of digital media literacy could improve the students’ ability in comprehending the texts. The improvement was shown by the increase of the percentage of the students obtaining the mastery criteria stated by the school by 22% in pre-cycle, increased to 63% in the first cycle, and 100% in the second cycle. How their ability in comprehending texts improved by the use of digital media literacy is also discussed. Keywords: digital literacy, digital media, reading comprehension skills, e-learning media
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IJAR – International Journal of Action Research
2-2020: Free Contributions

Danilo Streck: Editorial

Håvard Aaslund / Sissel Seim: ‚The Long and Winding Road’ – Collective Action Among People Experiencing Homelessness
Anh Tu Nguyen: Consistency of Socio-Economic Theory of Organizations and Organizational Innovation: an Example of Customer Complaint Management Strategy
Ariadna Pinto Avilez / Claudio Díaz Larenas: Enhancing English Speaking Skills through Self-Assessment-Based Action Research
Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi / Hersulastuti: How Indonesian Junior High School Students Comprehend the Reading Text? A Digital Media Literacy Utilization

Book Review Essay
Danilo Streck: Community Engagement and Action Research

Download of Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen
Extracts / Leseproben


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16. Jahrgang 2020



Date of publication







17 x 24 cm




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‘The Long and Winding Road’ — Collective action among people experiencing homelessness (Håvard Aaslund and Sissel Seim)
What possibilities exist for collective action among marginalised people? Through participatory action research (PAR), we study possibilities for collective action among people affected by homelessness and substance use. We describe the process of collective action in a single case, the X-street project, and scrutinise how collective identity can contribute to understandings of collective action. Findings of collective identity in boundary work, consciousness-raising and negotiations suggest that identity work and collective action are closely linked in processes of empowerment and created in mutually reinforcing processes. The case shows that the group succeeded in building a collective action project by simultaneously challenging its members’ public identity and providing them with home and work. More research is needed about the processes of collective action, and the relationship between material change and identity work. Key words: Participatory action research, self-organisation, collective identity, collective action, homelessness, substance use
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Consistency of socio-economic theory of organisations and organisational innovation: An example of customer complaint management strategy (Anh Tu Nguyen)
This present study discusses appropriate selection of research paradigm and research strategy of socio-economic theory of organisations for organisational innovation in general, customer complaint management (CCM) in particular. Ontology and epistemology of socio-economic approach to management (SEAM) methodology, mixed quantitative and qualitative methods are proved to be consistent with the implementation of CCM in small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The research indicates how to produce and generalise theoretical and practical knowledge through abductive reasoning and early-versus-latter-stage research design for a pragmatic-oriented action research. The conceptual model highlights that CCM can positively and simultaneously impact technical innovation, economic performance and social performance. One more interesting result is that economic performance can positively affect social performance. The research process includes two five-step action plans in the early stage and empirical study in latter stage. The two five-step action plans (2015-2016 and 2017-2018) analyse customer complaints, explore the causes of customer complaints from employees’ viewpoints, put forward action plans, implement action plans and evaluate organisational performance. The empirical study applies structure equation modeling, to test whether technical innovation mediates the relationship between CCM and organisational performance. Keywords: Action research, Customer complaint management, SEAM, organisational innovation, abductive reasoning
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

Enhancing English Speaking Skills through Self-Assessment-Based Action Research (Ariadna Pinto Avilez and Claudio Díaz Larenas)
This paper presents an action research study conducted in an English communicative course at a Chilean university. This investigation aimed to improve university students‘ speaking skills through the self-assessment methodology. The intervention was held during four weeks, in which participants were exposed to English through task-based lessons that required their systematic self-assessment to develop their speaking skills. With the use of an analytic rubric to measure whether or not there was improvement in pre and post oral interviews, a learning journal and a focus group interview, findings showed that there was a positive change in their speaking performances, and learners appreciated this methodology as a way to improve their academic results. Key words: self-assessment, awareness, speaking, English language, action research
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)

How Indonesian Junior High School Students Comprehend the Reading Text? A Digital Media Literacy Utilisation (Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi and Hersulastuti)
Digital media is currently very familiar with the students’daily activities. However, as one of school policies, most Junior High Schools in Klaten, including SMPN 5 Klaten, prohibit their students from using digital media, specifically Smartphones, in the learning process. The objective of this present study was to describe the improvement of students’ ability in comprehending the reading text through digital media literacy. This research applied Classroom Action Research with its cycles. Each cycle was executed through sets of activities consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. By involving the eighth graders of SMPN 5 in Klaten, tests, observations, interviews, and document studies were used to obtain the data, and the data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The results showed that the use of digital media literacy could improve the students’ ability in comprehending the texts. The improvement was shown by the increase of the percentage of the students obtaining the mastery criteria stated by the school by 22% in pre-cycle, increased to 63% in the first cycle, and 100% in the second cycle. How their ability in comprehending texts improved by the use of digital media literacy is also discussed. Keywords: digital literacy, digital media, reading comprehension skills, e-learning media
» Buy Single Contribution (Budrich Journals) / Einzelbeitrag kaufen (Budrich Journals)


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