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Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Tag: decentralization

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    The State-Building Dilemma in Afghanistan

    After nearly two decades of war, on February 2020, the Trump administration signed an agreement with the Taliban through which the US and its NATO allies’ troops must leave Afghanistan within the following few months. This agreement also paves the ground for Intra-Afghan talks between the US backed Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban militant group. This book critically reviews the US/NATO military, peace-and-statebuilding intervention since 2001 in Afghanistan. […]
    42,00 €

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  • Marin / The Role of Local Political Elites in East Central Europe. A Descriptive Inquiry into Local Leadership in Six Transitional Democracies of the Region. Verlag Barbara Budrich.

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    The Role of Local Political Elites in East Central Europe

    How does the elite continue to affect the evolution of local communities in the developing region of former Sovietized Europe? This book is concerned with the issue of local leadership in the countries of East-Central Europe. It is an attempt to examine, with a comparative method, the profile and the role of the local political elites (members of the Municipal Councils) in six towns in six transitional democracies of the […]
    39,90 €

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    Changing Federal Constitutions

    This book analyses constitutional change in federal and decentralizing countries from a comparative perspective. The authors identify structures, processes and strategies which have proven to favour successful constitutional amendment. Thereby, the book enables public officials, scholars, and students to learn from the constitutional reform experiences of other federal democracies and from practical suggestions how future reforms could be designed. From the Contents: The Relevance of Constitutional Change Constitutional Reform in […]
    48,00 €

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    Open Access

    dms 2-2008 | Reformen dezentraler Staatsaufgaben

    dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 2-2008: Reformen dezentraler Staatsaufgaben Staatstätigkeitsforschung Manfred G. Schmidt: Lehren aus dem internationalen Vergleich der Bildungsfinanzierung Schwerpunktbeiträge Margrit Seckelmann: Die historische Entwicklung kommunaler Aufgaben Hans Peter Bull: Kommunale Gebiets- und Funktionalreform – aktuelle Entwicklung und grundsätzliche Bedeutung Markus Reiners: Reform der Mittelbehörden. Rahmenbedingungen und Parameter zur Durchsetzung einer radikalen Strukturreform Thomas Pallesen: The fiscal impact of decentralisation: Evidence […]
    from 0,00 €
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