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IJREE 2-2015 | Blurring Educational Boundaries to Visualise Young People’s Agency in Learning Practices

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ISSN: 2196-3673


IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education
2-2015: Blurring Educational Boundaries to Visualise Young People’s Agency in Learning Practices

Main Topic
Ola Erstad: Learning Lives Across Educational Boundaries: Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Trajectories
Rachel Fendler / Raquel Miño Puigcercós: New Learning Imaginaries: Youth Perspectives on Learning In and Outside School
Imanol Aguirre: Learning and Attitudes Towards the Knowledge of the Young Producers of Visual Culture
Kristiina Kumpulainen / Anna Mikkola: Researching Formal and Informal Learning: From Dichotomies to a Dialogic Notion of Learning

Free Contributions
Anna Liisa Närvänen / Helene Elvstrand: What is Participation? Pedagogues’ Interpretative Repertoires and Ideological Dilemmas Regarding Children’s Participation in Swedish Leisure-time Centres
Stephan Kielblock: Program Implementation and Effectiveness of Extracurricular Activities: An Investigation of Different Student Perceptions in Two German All-Day Schools
Sang Hoon Bae / Sue Bin Jeon / Song Ie Han: Influential Factors in the Out-of-class Activities of Korean College Students

Developments in the Field of Extended Education
Amina Fraij / Stephan Kielblock: Research on Extended Education Around the Globe? A Brief Examination of the First Five Issues of the IJREE

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3. Jahrgang 2015










17 x 24 cm


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all-day school, children’s participation, college experiences, dialogic learning, education, educational boundaries, extended education, extracurricular activities, formal learning, Germany, hierarchical linear modeling, hybrid space, informal learning, K-NSSE, Korea, learning, learning mobilities, learning practices, learning relationships, learning trajectories, leisure-time centres, out-of-class activities, participation, participatory ethnography, school, school disaffection, secondary school, sociocultural approach, student perception, Sweden, visual culture, young people, youth studies, Youth voice


Learning Lives Across Educational Boundaries: Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Trajectories (Ola Erstad)
In this article, I discuss educational boundaries as experienced by the learner across different contexts, activities and interests. Learning is understood as a trajectory beyond situated contexts. The analytical focus is how learning trajectories are experienced as continuity or discontinuity by students across in-school and out-of-school settings. The analysis draws on findings from a longitudinal project in one multicultural community of Oslo, using mainly observational and interview methodologies. The findings show that educational boundaries are often blurred and represent different learning trajectories beyond simple dichotomies of continuation or discontinuation in learning. Keywords: learning lives, (dis)continuity, trajectories, boundaries, education
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New Learning Imaginaries: Youth Perspectives on Learning In and Outside School (Rachel Fendler, Raquel Miño Puigcercós)
This paper draws on the results of an ethnographic project carried out with five groups of secondary students. During one academic year, our research team accompanied youth in an inquiry into learning practices in and outside school. Here their observations and contributions are brought together to problematize the relationship between formal and informal learning, learning and schooling, and the role of students versus researchers. In an attempt to understand the impact of learning as a practice (rather than a result), a mobilities perspective is introduced. The authors use metaphors such as multidirectionality, flow, border crossing and displacements to reimagine learning practices in relation to the personal trajectories of learners, rather than the fixed location of the school. Keywords: school disaffection, learning mobilities, participatory ethnography, youth voice, secondary school
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Learning and Attitudes Towards the Knowledge of the Young Producers of Visual Culture (Imanol Aguirre)
This study strives to investigate the practices of youths as producers of visual culture that occur out of school. We attempted to determine how and where young people acquire the knowledge that they apply to their productions and identify their attitudes and interactions in relation to the learning processes. Consequently, we observed that the use of digital technologies and P2P learning dynamics, encouraged by the widespread use of the Internet, are central to the growing proliferation of creative practices engaged in by youth. All this occurs in a space of affinities, in which creation becomes indistinguishable from the learning and the socialisation. This is very different from what school can currently offer these students. Keywords: visual culture production, youth studies, learning relationships
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Researching Formal and Informal Learning: From Dichotomies to a Dialogic Notion of Learning (Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anna Mikkola)
This article is situated in a body of research focusing on learning in and out of school, often referred to as studies of formal and informal learning. Drawing on the dialogic approach, the article warns against simplistic and dichotomous definitions of what counts as formal and informal learning. Instead, it calls for the importance of understanding learning as a dialogue between contexts of discourse in which the attributes of “formality” and “informality” intersect. By taking discourse as the core unit of analysis, the approach advocated here focuses on examining how students’ discourses embedded in diverse contexts are managed, negotiated, and hybridized during their academic work. We shall exemplify our argument with empirical data stemming from a case study on elementary school students’ online interaction during creative collaborative writing. In our analysis of the data, we illuminate the hybridization of students’ online interaction in which diverse contexts of discourse come into dialogue, producing opportunities and tensions for their engagement, learning, and identity. The article finishes by considering the wider implications of the dialogic approach to understanding learning across contexts. Keywords: formal and informal learning environments, sociocultural approach, hybrid space, dialogic learning
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What is Participation? Pedagogues’ Interpretative Repertoires and Ideological Dilemmas Regarding Children’s Participation in Swedish Leisure-time Centres (Anna Liisa Närvänen, Helene Elvstrand)
The aim of the article is to explore how pedagogues in Swedish leisure-time centres interpret and make sense of what may be meant by children’s participation. We also focus on ambivalences and competing interpretations of participation and how pedagogues argue for or against divergent interpretations. The material consists of 18 digitally recorded reflection meetings in 6 leisure-time centres. The analyses reveal three interpretative patterns, or in other words, interpretative repertoires of participation, these being 1) formal democracy, 2) making individual choices and 3) responsibility. Ambivalences and competing interpretations concern, in the first place, the interpretation of participation as individual choice versus adult governance and compulsory activities. The arguments used refer to cultural values such as the value of countryside experiences, children’s developmental needs, professional commitment and children’s best interests. The severity of the clashing ideas is obvious as no working consensus is achieved. Keywords: leisure-time centres, children’s participation, interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas, inhabited institutions
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Program Implementation and Effectiveness of Extracurricular Activities: An Investigation of Different Student Perceptions in Two German All-Day Schools (Stephan Kielblock)
During the past decade, many schools in Germany have added extracurricular time to their regular curricular classes. This raises questions about the successful implementation of extracurricular programs and what makes them effective. The aim of this study is to illuminate the connection between these two questions. The theoretical and conceptual framework suggests that individual perception is a core concept that links both issues. Based on multi-method data from the Study on the Development of All-day Schools (StEG), the individual perceptions of two different activities will be investigated. One activity is perceived by the students as just an “extra” curricular activity (an extension of regular classes), whereas the other activity is seen as a real new “extracurricular” opportunity. The results emphasise the importance of viewing student perceptions in a qualitative manner. Keywords: program implementation, effectiveness, student perception, all-day school, extracurricular activities
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Influential Factors in the Out-of-class Activities of Korean College Students (Sang Hoon Bae, Sue Bin Jeon, Song Ie Han)
This study aimed to explore who participates in what kinds of out-of-class activities in Korea’s universities. Therefore, the researchers examine whether differences exist in the pattern of outof- class experiences according to the individual characteristics of the students, including gender, grade, household income level, high school performance and major. The researchers also aimed to examine the empirical evidence to determine the relationships between the patterns in out-of-class activities and the institutional characteristics of the university that the student attends. In terms of the institutional characteristics, this study is concerned with the location and size of the university. To explore these questions, the researchers analyzed K-NSSE data with hierarchical linear modeling. In sum, the findings of the statistical analysis of this study support the results of the preceding research in which different personal and institutional characteristics are related to five types of out-of-class activities. Keywords: out-of-class activities, college experiences, K-NSSE, hierarchical linear modeling
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IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education
2-2015: Blurring Educational Boundaries to Visualise Young People’s Agency in Learning Practices

Main Topic
Ola Erstad: Learning Lives Across Educational Boundaries: Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Trajectories
Rachel Fendler / Raquel Miño Puigcercós: New Learning Imaginaries: Youth Perspectives on Learning In and Outside School
Imanol Aguirre: Learning and Attitudes Towards the Knowledge of the Young Producers of Visual Culture
Kristiina Kumpulainen / Anna Mikkola: Researching Formal and Informal Learning: From Dichotomies to a Dialogic Notion of Learning

Free Contributions
Anna Liisa Närvänen / Helene Elvstrand: What is Participation? Pedagogues’ Interpretative Repertoires and Ideological Dilemmas Regarding Children’s Participation in Swedish Leisure-time Centres
Stephan Kielblock: Program Implementation and Effectiveness of Extracurricular Activities: An Investigation of Different Student Perceptions in Two German All-Day Schools
Sang Hoon Bae / Sue Bin Jeon / Song Ie Han: Influential Factors in the Out-of-class Activities of Korean College Students

Developments in the Field of Extended Education
Amina Fraij / Stephan Kielblock: Research on Extended Education Around the Globe? A Brief Examination of the First Five Issues of the IJREE

Download of Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis herunterladen


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You can register here for the IJREE alert.

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3. Jahrgang 2015










17 x 24 cm


Open Access-Lizenz



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Learning Lives Across Educational Boundaries: Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Trajectories (Ola Erstad)
In this article, I discuss educational boundaries as experienced by the learner across different contexts, activities and interests. Learning is understood as a trajectory beyond situated contexts. The analytical focus is how learning trajectories are experienced as continuity or discontinuity by students across in-school and out-of-school settings. The analysis draws on findings from a longitudinal project in one multicultural community of Oslo, using mainly observational and interview methodologies. The findings show that educational boundaries are often blurred and represent different learning trajectories beyond simple dichotomies of continuation or discontinuation in learning. Keywords: learning lives, (dis)continuity, trajectories, boundaries, education
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New Learning Imaginaries: Youth Perspectives on Learning In and Outside School (Rachel Fendler, Raquel Miño Puigcercós)
This paper draws on the results of an ethnographic project carried out with five groups of secondary students. During one academic year, our research team accompanied youth in an inquiry into learning practices in and outside school. Here their observations and contributions are brought together to problematize the relationship between formal and informal learning, learning and schooling, and the role of students versus researchers. In an attempt to understand the impact of learning as a practice (rather than a result), a mobilities perspective is introduced. The authors use metaphors such as multidirectionality, flow, border crossing and displacements to reimagine learning practices in relation to the personal trajectories of learners, rather than the fixed location of the school. Keywords: school disaffection, learning mobilities, participatory ethnography, youth voice, secondary school
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Learning and Attitudes Towards the Knowledge of the Young Producers of Visual Culture (Imanol Aguirre)
This study strives to investigate the practices of youths as producers of visual culture that occur out of school. We attempted to determine how and where young people acquire the knowledge that they apply to their productions and identify their attitudes and interactions in relation to the learning processes. Consequently, we observed that the use of digital technologies and P2P learning dynamics, encouraged by the widespread use of the Internet, are central to the growing proliferation of creative practices engaged in by youth. All this occurs in a space of affinities, in which creation becomes indistinguishable from the learning and the socialisation. This is very different from what school can currently offer these students. Keywords: visual culture production, youth studies, learning relationships
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Researching Formal and Informal Learning: From Dichotomies to a Dialogic Notion of Learning (Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anna Mikkola)
This article is situated in a body of research focusing on learning in and out of school, often referred to as studies of formal and informal learning. Drawing on the dialogic approach, the article warns against simplistic and dichotomous definitions of what counts as formal and informal learning. Instead, it calls for the importance of understanding learning as a dialogue between contexts of discourse in which the attributes of “formality” and “informality” intersect. By taking discourse as the core unit of analysis, the approach advocated here focuses on examining how students’ discourses embedded in diverse contexts are managed, negotiated, and hybridized during their academic work. We shall exemplify our argument with empirical data stemming from a case study on elementary school students’ online interaction during creative collaborative writing. In our analysis of the data, we illuminate the hybridization of students’ online interaction in which diverse contexts of discourse come into dialogue, producing opportunities and tensions for their engagement, learning, and identity. The article finishes by considering the wider implications of the dialogic approach to understanding learning across contexts. Keywords: formal and informal learning environments, sociocultural approach, hybrid space, dialogic learning
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What is Participation? Pedagogues’ Interpretative Repertoires and Ideological Dilemmas Regarding Children’s Participation in Swedish Leisure-time Centres (Anna Liisa Närvänen, Helene Elvstrand)
The aim of the article is to explore how pedagogues in Swedish leisure-time centres interpret and make sense of what may be meant by children’s participation. We also focus on ambivalences and competing interpretations of participation and how pedagogues argue for or against divergent interpretations. The material consists of 18 digitally recorded reflection meetings in 6 leisure-time centres. The analyses reveal three interpretative patterns, or in other words, interpretative repertoires of participation, these being 1) formal democracy, 2) making individual choices and 3) responsibility. Ambivalences and competing interpretations concern, in the first place, the interpretation of participation as individual choice versus adult governance and compulsory activities. The arguments used refer to cultural values such as the value of countryside experiences, children’s developmental needs, professional commitment and children’s best interests. The severity of the clashing ideas is obvious as no working consensus is achieved. Keywords: leisure-time centres, children’s participation, interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas, inhabited institutions
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Program Implementation and Effectiveness of Extracurricular Activities: An Investigation of Different Student Perceptions in Two German All-Day Schools (Stephan Kielblock)
During the past decade, many schools in Germany have added extracurricular time to their regular curricular classes. This raises questions about the successful implementation of extracurricular programs and what makes them effective. The aim of this study is to illuminate the connection between these two questions. The theoretical and conceptual framework suggests that individual perception is a core concept that links both issues. Based on multi-method data from the Study on the Development of All-day Schools (StEG), the individual perceptions of two different activities will be investigated. One activity is perceived by the students as just an “extra” curricular activity (an extension of regular classes), whereas the other activity is seen as a real new “extracurricular” opportunity. The results emphasise the importance of viewing student perceptions in a qualitative manner. Keywords: program implementation, effectiveness, student perception, all-day school, extracurricular activities
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Influential Factors in the Out-of-class Activities of Korean College Students (Sang Hoon Bae, Sue Bin Jeon, Song Ie Han)
This study aimed to explore who participates in what kinds of out-of-class activities in Korea’s universities. Therefore, the researchers examine whether differences exist in the pattern of outof- class experiences according to the individual characteristics of the students, including gender, grade, household income level, high school performance and major. The researchers also aimed to examine the empirical evidence to determine the relationships between the patterns in out-of-class activities and the institutional characteristics of the university that the student attends. In terms of the institutional characteristics, this study is concerned with the location and size of the university. To explore these questions, the researchers analyzed K-NSSE data with hierarchical linear modeling. In sum, the findings of the statistical analysis of this study support the results of the preceding research in which different personal and institutional characteristics are related to five types of out-of-class activities. Keywords: out-of-class activities, college experiences, K-NSSE, hierarchical linear modeling
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