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ISBN: 978-3-8474-2646-2

Early Computer Science Education

Goals and Success Criteria for Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Erscheinungsdatum : 03.04.2023

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ISBN: 978-3-8474-2646-2


“Scientific Studies on the Work of the ‘Haus der kleinen Forscher’ Foundation” is a regularly published series of scientific reports authored by distinguished experts from the field of early education. This series serves to pursue professional dialogue between the Foundation, academia and practice, with the aim of lending sound support to all child-care centres, after-school care centres and primary schools in Germany in their educational mission.
This ninth volume of the series, with a foreword by Ilan Chabay, deals with the goals and requirements of computer science education in the elementary and primary sector.
In their expert report, Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder and Carsten Schulte specify the pedagogical and content-related goal dimensions of computer science education at child-care centres and primary schools. In addition to establishing a theoretical basis for various goal dimensions, the authors discuss the success criteria for effective and efficient early computer science education in practice. They also provide recommendations for the further development of the Foundation’s offerings and scientific accompaniment of the work of the Foundation in the field of computer science. In their expert recommendation, Nadine Bergner and Kathrin Müller describe a selection of informatics systems for children at child-care centres and primary schools and offer suggestions for particularly suitable systems and their use in elementary and primary education based on professional criteria.
The final chapter of the volume describes the implementation of these professional recommendations in the programmes of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation – with and without computers.

In their expert report, Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder and Carsten Schulte specify the pedagogical and content-related target dimensions of computer science education at early childhood education and care centres, after-school centres, and primary schools. In addition to a theoretical basis for various target dimensions, the authors discuss the success criteria for effective and efficient early computer science education in practise. They also give recommendations for the further development of the „Haus der kleinen Forscher“ Foundation’s offerings and scientific monitoring of the work of the Foundation in the field of computer science. In their expert recommendation, Nadine Bergner and Kathrin Müller describe a selection of informatics systems for children at early childhood education and care centres and primary schools and give suggestions for particularly suitable systems and their use in pre-primary and primary education on the basis of expert criteria. The English version is a partially revised edition of „Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher (Hrsg.) (2018). Frühe informatische Bildung – Ziele und Gelingensbedingungen für den Elementar- und Primarbereich. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Arbeit der Stiftung „Haus der kleinen Forscher“ (Band 9). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. The information has been updated to new developments and offerings of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation.

Table of contents + reading sample

The editor:
The “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation has been committed to improving the education for children between the ages of three and ten in the domains of science, technology, computer science, and mathematics. Partners are Siemens Stiftung, Dietmar Hopp Stiftung, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, and Friede Springer Stiftung. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports the programme. The foundation is based in Berlin, Germany.

Download for free: publicity leaflet (PDF)

The target group:
Lecturers, researchers and practitioners in educational science and in computer science education

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17,0 x 24,0 cm



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"Haus der kleinen Forscher" Foundation


early childhood education, professional development, Schwerpunkt Kindheit/Jugend und Digitalisierung, STEM



“Scientific Studies on the Work of the ‘Haus der kleinen Forscher’ Foundation” is a regularly published series of scientific reports authored by distinguished experts from the field of early education. This series serves to pursue professional dialogue between the Foundation, academia and practice, with the aim of lending sound support to all child-care centres, after-school care centres and primary schools in Germany in their educational mission.
This ninth volume of the series, with a foreword by Ilan Chabay, deals with the goals and requirements of computer science education in the elementary and primary sector.
In their expert report, Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder and Carsten Schulte specify the pedagogical and content-related goal dimensions of computer science education at child-care centres and primary schools. In addition to establishing a theoretical basis for various goal dimensions, the authors discuss the success criteria for effective and efficient early computer science education in practice. They also provide recommendations for the further development of the Foundation’s offerings and scientific accompaniment of the work of the Foundation in the field of computer science. In their expert recommendation, Nadine Bergner and Kathrin Müller describe a selection of informatics systems for children at child-care centres and primary schools and offer suggestions for particularly suitable systems and their use in elementary and primary education based on professional criteria.
The final chapter of the volume describes the implementation of these professional recommendations in the programmes of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation – with and without computers.

In their expert report, Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder and Carsten Schulte specify the pedagogical and content-related target dimensions of computer science education at early childhood education and care centres, after-school centres, and primary schools. In addition to a theoretical basis for various target dimensions, the authors discuss the success criteria for effective and efficient early computer science education in practise. They also give recommendations for the further development of the „Haus der kleinen Forscher“ Foundation’s offerings and scientific monitoring of the work of the Foundation in the field of computer science. In their expert recommendation, Nadine Bergner and Kathrin Müller describe a selection of informatics systems for children at early childhood education and care centres and primary schools and give suggestions for particularly suitable systems and their use in pre-primary and primary education on the basis of expert criteria. The English version is a partially revised edition of „Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher (Hrsg.) (2018). Frühe informatische Bildung – Ziele und Gelingensbedingungen für den Elementar- und Primarbereich. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Arbeit der Stiftung „Haus der kleinen Forscher“ (Band 9). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. The information has been updated to new developments and offerings of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation.

Table of contents + reading sample

The editor:
The “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation has been committed to improving the education for children between the ages of three and ten in the domains of science, technology, computer science, and mathematics. Partners are Siemens Stiftung, Dietmar Hopp Stiftung, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, and Friede Springer Stiftung. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports the programme. The foundation is based in Berlin, Germany.

Download for free: publicity leaflet (PDF)

The target group:
Lecturers, researchers and practitioners in educational science and in computer science education


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17,0 x 24,0 cm



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"Haus der kleinen Forscher" Foundation



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